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Bura command helps to get rid of long commands.

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What is Bura CLI?

Bura CLI is a command line tool that allows you to create long and different commands that you work with in a concise manner as you like (it can be simple or with input).


Simple use ubuntu gif
Use with input ping+ gif
List of commands list gif
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Add with input command serverConnectWithInput gif

Installation Windows

  1. Download Bura CLI V1.2.0 from Bura-win.rar or Bura-win.rar.

  2. Unrar Bura-win.rar in a folder like C:\bura

  3. Open RUN by shortcut (WINDOWS_KEY + R_KEY).

  4. Type in RUN SystemPropertiesAdvanced.

  5. System Properties dialog should appear, click Environment Variables.

  6. In User variables (The Top section) select Path and click Edit.

  7. Add the new path to bura.exe folder like this C:\bura.

  8. Select OK, and OK again in Environment Variables, and OK in System Properties.

  9. Close any Command prompt you using and open again.

  10. Hooray, 🙌🤩🥳 now Bura CLI is successfully installed.


Installation Linux

  1. Open terminal (WINDOWS_KEY + ALT + T_KEY).

  2. Create a folder like $HOME/bura.

    mkdir $HOME/bura
  3. Go in the created folder

    cd $HOME/bura
  4. Download Bura CLI V1.2.0.

    mv bura-linux.rar $HOME/bura
    • If you use the terminal.
    curl –O
  5. Unrar Bura-linux.rar.

    sudo unrar x $HOME/bura/Bura-win.rar
  6. Change Bura permissions.

    sudo chmod +x $HOME/bura/bura
  7. Set Bura Path.

    • If you use the ohmyz open .zshrc file

       sudo nano ~/.zshrc

      Find # Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. and add Bura path under it

       export PATH="$HOME/bura:$PATH"

      Save and reload .zshrc

       source ~/.zshrc
    • If you dont use the ohmyz open .profile file

       sudo nano ~/.profile

      Scroll to the bottom and add Bura path

       export PATH="$HOME/bura:$PATH"

      Save and reload .profile

       source ~/.profile
  8. Close any terminal you using and open again.

  9. Hooray, 🙌🤩🥳 now Bura CLI is successfully installed.


List of static commands

Complete abbr Description
--help -h Bura guide
--version -v View version
--add -a Add command
--delete -d Delete command
--edite -e Edite command
--update -u Bura update
--list -l View the list of commands and use it
me me View BURA

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