This project is no longer active. Check out a fork at
Generic export to XLSX/HTML/CSV action for the Django admin interface.
Meant for fast and simple exports and lets you choose the data to export.
- Drop in application
- Traverse model relations recursively
django-admin-export is built with django-report-utils. For a a full query builder try using django-report-builder.
pip install django-admin-export
- Add
url(r'^admin_export/', include("admin_export.urls", namespace="admin_export")),
to your project's
Go to any admin page, select fields, then select the export to xls action. Then check off any fields you want to export.
- Acquire a checkout of the repository
pip install -e . -r test_requirements.txt
py.test tests
This project assumes staff users are trusted. There may be ways for users to manipulate this project to get more data access than they should have.