This is part of the Codeception talk where there is a small coding challenge at the end. It's a variant of a dice game called Greed or Farkle.
The rules are as follows:
- you have 6 dice and roll each of those once
- you pick combinations out of those to get the highest possible score but make sure to count each die only once
- the score is calculated like this:
- a single one: 100 points
- a single five: 50 points
- three of a kind: 100 x rolled number
- except for three ones: 1000 points
- for each additional of that kind: double the score
- three pairs: 800 points
- straight: 1200 points
You will find an interface for the dice and an interface for the game with some methods declared. Now you should install codeception, bootstrap it and start writing some unit tests and implement the logic like described above.