A Tasty Ruby Binding with MeCab
A gem leveraging FFI (foreign function interface), natto combines the Ruby programming language with MeCab, the part-of-speech and morphological analyzer for the Japanese language.
- natto provides a naturally Ruby-esque interface to MeCab.
- It runs on both CRuby (mri/yarv) and JRuby (jvm).
- It works with MeCab installations on Windows, Unix/Linux and OS X.
- No compiler is necessary, as natto is not a C extension.
You can learn more about natto at GitHub.
natto requires the following:
- MeCab 0.996
- A system dictionary, like mecab-ipadic (recommended), mecab-jumandic or unidic, all available on the MeCab downloads page
if you are on Linux, since natto usesmecab-config
- Ruby 1.9 or greater
- ffi 1.9.0 or greater
Install natto with the following gem command:
gem install natto
This will automatically install the ffi rubygem, which natto uses to bind to the MeCab library.
However, if you are using a CRuby on Windows, then you will first need to install the RubyInstaller Development Kit (DevKit), a MSYS/MinGW based toolkit that enables your Windows Ruby installation to build many of the native C/C++ extensions available, including ffi.
Download the latest release for RubyInstaller for Windows platforms and the corresponding DevKit from the RubyInstaller for Windows downloads page.
After installing RubyInstaller for Windows, double-click on the DevKit-tdm installer
, and expand the contents to an appropriate location, for exampleC:\devkit
. -
Open a command window under
, and execute:ruby dk.rb init
. This will locate all known ruby installations, and add them toC:\devkit\config.yml
. -
Next, execute:
ruby dk.rb install
, which will add the DevKit to all of the installed rubies listed in yourC:\devkit\config.yml
. Now you should be able to install and build the ffi rubygem correctly on your Windows-installed ruby. -
Install natto with:
gem install natto
If you are on a 64-bit Windows and you use a 64-bit Ruby or JRuby, then you might want to build a 64-bit version of libmecab.dll.
No explicit configuration should be necessary, as natto will try to locate the MeCab library based upon its runtime environment.
- On OS X and *nix, it will query
mecab-config --libs
- On Windows, it will query the Windows Registry to determine where
is installed
If natto cannot find the MeCab library, LoadError
will be raised. Please set the MECAB_PATH
environment variable to the exact name/path to your MeCab library.
e.g., for OS X
export MECAB_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/mecab/0.996/lib/libmecab.dylib
e.g., for bash on UNIX/Linux
export MECAB_PATH=/usr/local/lib/libmecab.so
e.g., on Windows
set MECAB_PATH=C:\Program Files\MeCab\bin\libmecab.dll
e.g., from within a Ruby program
Here's a very quick guide to using natto.
Instantiate a reference to the MeCab library, and display some details:
require 'natto'
nm = Natto::MeCab.new
=> #<Natto::MeCab:0x00000803633ae8
@model=#<FFI::Pointer address=0x000008035d4640>, \
@tagger=#<FFI::Pointer address=0x00000802b07c90>, \
@lattice=#<FFI::Pointer address=0x00000803602f80>, \
@libpath="/usr/local/lib/libmecab.so", \
@options={}, \
@dicts=[#<Natto::DictionaryInfo:0x000008036337c8 \
@filepath="/usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic/sys.dic", \
charset=utf8, \
type=0>] \
puts nm.version
=> 0.996
Display details about the system dictionary used by MeCab:
puts nm.libpath
=> /usr/local/lib/libmecab.so
sysdic = nm.dicts.first
puts sysdic.filepath
=> /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic/sys.dic
puts sysdic.charset
=> utf8
Parse Japanese text and send the MeCab result as a single string to stdout:
puts nm.parse('俺の名前は星野豊だ!!そこんとこヨロシク!')
俺 名詞,代名詞,一般,*,*,*,俺,オレ,オレ
の 助詞,連体化,*,*,*,*,の,ノ,ノ
名前 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,名前,ナマエ,ナマエ
は 助詞,係助詞,*,*,*,*,は,ハ,ワ
星野 名詞,固有名詞,人名,姓,*,*,星野,ホシノ,ホシノ
豊 名詞,固有名詞,人名,名,*,*,豊,ユタカ,ユタカ
だ 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・ダ,基本形,だ,ダ,ダ
! 記号,一般,*,*,*,*,!,!,!
! 記号,一般,*,*,*,*,!,!,!
そこ 名詞,代名詞,一般,*,*,*,そこ,ソコ,ソコ
ん 助詞,特殊,*,*,*,*,ん,ン,ン
とこ 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,とこ,トコ,トコ
ヨロシク 感動詞,*,*,*,*,*,ヨロシク,ヨロシク,ヨロシク
! 記号,一般,*,*,*,*,!,!,!
If a block is passed to parse
, you can iterate over the list of resulting MeCabNode
instances to access more detailed information about each morpheme.
In this example, the following attributes and methods for MeCabNode
are used:
- the morpheme surfaceposid
- node part-of-speech ID (dictionary-dependent)is_eos?
- is thisMeCabNode
an end-of-sentence node?
This iterates over the morpheme nodes in the given text, and outputs a formatted, tab-delimited line with the morpheme surface and part-of-speech ID, ignoring any end-of-sentence nodes:
nm.parse('世界チャンプ目指してんだなこれがっ!!夢なの、俺のっ!!') do |n|
puts "#{n.surface}\tpart-of-speech id: #{n.posid}" if !n.is_eos?
世界 part-of-speech id: 38
チャンプ part-of-speech id: 38
目指し part-of-speech id: 31
て part-of-speech id: 18
ん part-of-speech id: 63
だ part-of-speech id: 25
な part-of-speech id: 17
これ part-of-speech id: 59
がっ part-of-speech id: 32
!! part-of-speech id: 36
夢 part-of-speech id: 38
な part-of-speech id: 25
の part-of-speech id: 17
、 part-of-speech id: 9
俺 part-of-speech id: 59
のっ part-of-speech id: 31
!! part-of-speech id: 36
For more complex parsing, such as that for natural language
processing tasks, it is far more efficient to use enum_parse
obtain an Enumerator
to iterate over the resulting MeCabNode
instances. An Enumerator
yields each MeCabNode
instance without first materializing all
instances at once, thus being more efficient.
This example uses the -F
node-format option to customize
the resulting MeCabNode
feature attribute to extract:
- morpheme surface%f[0]
- node part-of-speech%f[7]
- reading
Note that we can move the Enumerator
both forwards and backwards, rewind it
back to the beginning, and then iterate over it.
nm = Natto::MeCab.new('-F%m\t%f[0]\t%f[7]')
enum = nm.enum_parse('この星の一等賞になりたいの卓球で俺は、そんだけ!')
=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator::Generator:0x00000002ff3898>:each>
=> #<Natto::MeCabNode:0x000000032eed68 \
@pointer=#<FFI::Pointer address=0x000000005ffb48>, \
stat=0, \
@surface="この", \
@feature="この 連体詞 コノ">
=> #<Natto::MeCabNode:0x00000002fe2110a \
@pointer=#<FFI::Pointer address=0x000000005ffdb8>, \
stat=0, \
@surface="星", \
@feature="星 名詞 ホシ">
# again, ignore any end-of-sentence nodes
enum.each { |n| puts n.feature if !n.is_eos? }
この 連体詞 コノ
星 名詞 ホシ
の 助詞 ノ
一等 名詞 イットウ
賞 名詞 ショウ
に 助詞 ニ
なり 動詞 ナリ
たい 助動詞 タイ
の 助詞 ノ
卓球 名詞 タッキュウ
で 助詞 デ
俺 名詞 オレ
は 助詞 ハ
、 記号 、
そん 名詞 ソン
だけ 助詞 ダケ
! 記号 !
Partial parsing allows you to pass hints to MeCab on how to tokenize morphemes when parsing. Most useful are boundary constraint parsing and feature constraint parsing.
With boundary constraint parsing, you can specify either
a Regexp or
String to tell MeCab where the
boundaries of a morpheme should be. Use the boundary_constraints
For hints on tokenization, please see
This example uses the -F
node-format option to customize
the resulting MeCabNode
feature attribute to extract:
- morpheme surface%f[0]
- node part-of-speech%s
- nodestat
status value, 1 isunknown
Note that any such morphemes captured will have node stat
status of unknown.
Also note that MeCab will tag such nodes as a noun.
nm = Natto::MeCab.new('-F%m,\s%f[0],\s%s')
text = '心の中で3回唱え、 ヒーロー見参!ヒーロー見参!ヒーロー見参!'
pattern = /ヒーロー見参/
nm.enum_parse(text, boundary_constraints: pattern).each do |n|
puts n.feature if !(n.is_bos? || n.is_eos?)
# desired morpheme boundary specified with Regexp /ヒーロー見参/
心, 名詞, 0
の, 助詞, 0
中, 名詞, 0
で, 助詞, 0
3, 名詞, 1
回, 名詞, 0
唱え, 動詞, 0
、, 記号, 0
ヒーロー見参, 名詞, 1
!, 記号, 0
ヒーロー見参, 名詞, 1
!, 記号, 0
ヒーロー見参, 名詞, 1
!, 記号, 0
With feature constraint parsing, you can provide instructions to MeCab on
what feature to use for a matching morpheme. Use the feature_constraints
keyword to pass in a hash mapping a specific morpheme key (String)
to a corresponding feature (String).
# we re-use nm and text from above
=> {:node_format=>"%m,\\s%f[0],\\s%s"}
mapping = {"ヒーロー見参"=>"その他"}
nm.enum_parse(text, feature_constraints: mapping).each do |n|
puts n.feature if !(n.is_bos? || n.is_eos?)
# ヒーロー見参 will be treated as a single morpheme mapping to その他
心, 名詞, 0
の, 助詞, 0
中, 名詞, 0
で, 助詞, 0
3, 名詞, 1
回, 名詞, 0
唱え, 動詞, 0
、, 記号, 0
ヒーロー見参, その他, 1
!, 記号, 0
ヒーロー見参, その他, 1
!, 記号, 0
ヒーロー見参, その他, 1
!, 記号, 0
- You can read more about natto on the project Wiki.
- Use git and check out the latest code at GitHub to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Browse the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project.
- Start a feature/bugfix branch.
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. I use MiniTest::Unit as it is very natural and easy-to-use.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, CHANGELOG, or version. If you must have your own version, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Please see the {file:CHANGELOG} for this gem's release history.
Copyright © 2020, Brooke M. Fujita. All rights reserved. Please see the {file:LICENSE} file for further details.