- Home page: all the starships are being fetched from SWAPI API
- Favorite page: renders all the favorite starships selected by the user
Note: if the user tries to enter to a unknown page then a NotFound page will be rendered
Make sure you are using Node v18.16.0 or similar
First, make sure you have the following env var in your .env.local file (root folder):
yarn install
yarn dev
yarn test
yarn test:ui
- TypeScript
- Vite
- Vitest
- Chakra UI
- Lottie
- Context
- Axios
- Prettier
- Eslint
- Lint staged
- Husky
- assets/
- components/
- context/
- hooks/
- layouts/
- pages/
- router/
- types/
- App.tsx
- constants.ts
- main.tsx
- theme.ts
- vite-env.d.ts