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Model-View-ViewModel Toolkit for Unity UIToolkit.


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Model-View-ViewModel Toolkit for using with Unity's UI Toolkit.

Main goal of this project - bring MVVM into UI Toolkit.

Reminder: this is WIP and until first stable release many breaking changes might be pushed without a warning.

Read more about CommunityToolkit.MVVM

Table of contents


  • Tooltip text binding. Tooltips don't work in runtime :(
  • Tooltips extension. Done.
  • Nested variable support for smart-string Done.
  • Burst-compatible wrapper for Messenger. Done.
  • Localization Asset Table support. Done.
  • Localization Multi-Table support. Done.
  • Binding type conversion support. Done.

How to:

General requirements

  • UniTask. It is used widely to provide spike less Localization's string generation.
  • Net Standard 2.1 in Project Settings-Player-Configuration-Api Compatibility Level
  • Unity 2022.2+. While all previous version are also partially supported (as long as they support NS 2.1 and UniTask), 2022.2 also supports Roslyn 4.0.1 API which gives an opportunity to use all power of CommunityToolkit.mvvm source generators.
  • #, > and @ symbols are reserved in Localization package operators


1. Install via Package Manager

The package is available on the OpenUPM.

  • Open Project Settings-Package Manager
  • Add a new Scoped Registry (or edit the existing OpenUPM entry)



  • Open Window/Package Manager
  • Select My Registries
  • Install UniTask and Model-View-ViewModel Toolkit packages
2. Install via Git URL

You can add to the Package Manager.


In your TSS (Theme Style Sheet) asset you must include MVVMTK Default stylesheet. It's included in package, so you can find it via search.


Make a basic view

First we define viewmodel type.

ViewModel is a baseline class to inherit from, which inherits from MonoBehavior.

public class TestView : BaseView
public partial class TestViewModel : ViewModel

Now we create a GameObject in scene with TestView and TestViewModel components and attach our uxml asset to proper field.

In a BindingContext we assign our ViewModel.

We should also attach our string localization table to support localization binding.


Now we need to define our UI hierarchy.

We create game object with UIRoot component attached.

Here we assign our UIDocument we want to use.

Although it is not required and we can attach UIDocument later. We can even remove it. Our UI hierarchy will be automatically attached to it's root.


Now we need to assign your View game object as a child of UIRoot.


So far our scene looks like this and now we need to Initialize our UIRoot.

Let's create a simple script to do so:

public class SampleUIInitializer : MonoBehaviour
    // Internally UI is initialized in Awake
    // Actual initialization should be done at least after Start 
    void Start() => InitializeAsync().Forget();

    private async UniTask InitializeAsync()
        var root = GetComponent<UIRoot>();

        // We call UIRoot.Initialize method and provide StrongReferenceMessenger and ServiceProvider instances.
        // If you have external services on which your Views or ViewModels rely you must register them
        // before calling Initialize.
        var messenger = new StrongReferenceMessenger();
        var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider();

        // Before we can make any calls to UI, we need to await it's initialization
        await root.Initialize(messenger, serviceProvider);


After we attached this script to UIRoot we can start PlayMode, but View will not appear.

Enabling/Disabling View

This framework is meant to use CommunityToolkit.MVVM Message system. But it's not necessary and if you want to control your navigation differently it's up to you.

You can read more about CommunityToolkit.MVVM here.

In order to enable any View we will need to implement a message:

public class OpenTestViewMessage { }

Then we will need to subscribe our View to that message. There are several ways to do so:

  1. First we can simply inherit from IRecipient<T>. Our View will be automatically subscribed.
public class TestView : BaseView, IRecipient<OpenTestViewMessage>
    // On message receive we will enable our View 
    public void Receive(OpenTestViewMessage message)
        enabled = true;
  1. Alternatively we can subscribe manually.
public class TestView : BaseView
    // You can override OnInit to make manual changes to hierarchy
    protected override void OnInit()
        Messenger.Register<OpenTestViewMessage>(this, (recipient, message) => enabled = true);

Or you can enable/disable BaseView manually in any way you want if you are not interested in messaging system.

Now we need to use Messenger and send this message:

public class UIInitializer : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        await root.Initialize(messenger, serviceProvider);

Messenger should only be used after UIRoot is Initialized.

And now our View should be displayed on PlayMode.

In order to disable view we can use either built in CloseViewsMessage or implement your own message callbacks that will call enabled = false method of our View.


Localization text binding

In order to bind TextElement's text value to localized string we need:

  1. Create localization string table using Unity's localization package.
  2. Assign that table to your View's localization table field.
  3. Assign text attribute of TextElement in .uxml to required key with # operator.


<ui:Label text="#Text"/>

Binding automatically updates text value on every table change. For example when we switch language or when we modify table in editor.

You can also bind tooltips with this, using tooltip attribute.

Smart-string binding

Now we want to display some variables.

We need to make our Localization entry Smart and define variables with > operator. Variable name must match Property on BindingContext (ViewModel our View is attached to).


You can also bind tooltips with this, using tooltip attribute.

public partial class TestViewModel : ViewModel
    // To bind a simple property, just create a backing field
    // and attach [ObservableProperty] attribute. TestInt property will be generated.
    [ObservableProperty] private int _testInt = 12;

In our .uxml asset we define text attribute with entry's key with # operator.

<ui:Label text="#VariableTest"/>

Now our View will be automatically updated as we change TestInt property value.

Tooltip Binding

In order to enable custom tooltips with binding support - just use tooltip attribute for any VisualElement with any of supported bindings: Localization or string.Format.

<ui:Label text="Localization tooltip" tooltip="#TooltipTest"/>

<ui:Label text="String Format tooltip" tooltip="$This is a tooltip with variable = {Counter}"/>

TooltipElement consists of VisualElemet and Label, which have MVVMTK-tooltip-container and MVVMTK-tooltip-label USS classes, so you can override them with your USS styles.

Input binding

To bind a button to specific method we will need to implement a void method with [RelayCommand] attribute or create ICommand property ourselves.

Let's create a simple counter:

public partial class TestViewModel : ViewModel
    // To bind a method to click event you will need ICommand property.
    // [RelayCommand] will automatically generate it for you.
    private void Increment() => Counter++;
    private int _counter;


In our .uxml asset we define view-data-key attribute. Each binding needs to be wrapped in braces. ICommand binding requires @ operator.

<ui:Button text="Counter" view-data-key="{@IncrementCommand}"/>

We can also bind button's enabled state to boolean field/property/method, which will be updated automatically.

[RelayCommand(CanExecute = nameof(CanIncrement))]

We can also send bool, int, float or string as parameter.

<ui:Button view-data-key="{@FooCommand:5}"/>
private void Foo(int arg) 
// arg is going to be 5

Value Changed binding

In order to bind elements with INotifyValueChanged<T> we will need to implement a property with matching type.

Value Changed binding uses % operator.

<ui:IntegerField label="Counter" view-data-key="{%Counter}"/>

Now Counter property value will be mirrored if you manually type a value into field.

Reflection binding

Sometimes we want to bind something very custom and specific. In order to do so we can use reflection binding.

Reflection binding uses ^ operator.

<ui:Label text="This text font size is bound to Counter" view-data-key="{^style.fontSize=FontSize}"/>

In ViewModel we will need to define matching type.

public partial class TestViewModel : ViewModel
    // In some scenarios multiple properties can be attached to one backing field.
    // In this case use [NotifyPropertyChangedFor] attribute
    [ObservableProperty, NotifyPropertyChangedFor(nameof(FontSize))]
    private int _counter;

    // This property provides a proper type for for binding
    public StyleLength FontSize => Counter;

Now as we modify our Counter value, this Label's fontSize will also change accordingly.

String format binding

Sometimes we don't need localization and we just want to bind string.

String format binding uses $ operator.

In .uxml we simply define our format the same way as we do in C#. Matching properties must exist in bound ViewModel.

<ui:Label text="$Counter={Counter}"/>

Smart-String nested variables

Nested variables are fully supported.

To define a group we need to use # operator and > operator for a variable.


With full support we can go fully nuts:


Nested Localized String binding

In order to nest LocalizedString inside another one use '@' operator.


Burst Messenger support

In case you want Burst code to send messages with data first declare a type inheriting from IUnmanagedMessage.

private struct TestInt : IUnmanagedMessage
    public int value;

Now we need to create WrapperReference using our Messenger instance as argument.

var messenger = new StrongReferenceMessenger();
var wrapper = new WrapperReference(messenger);

After that we can pass struct obtained from wrapper.Wrapper to our unmanaged code and call Send method on it. For example:

var value = new TestInt { value = 62 };

Once our unmanaged code is finished, messages need to be unwrapped:


This method will send messages of type Wrapper<TestInt> to all subscribed recipients.

IRecipient<T> interfacing is not supported. Subscription is only supported manually. For example:

void Receive(object _, Wrapped<TestInt> message)
    result =;
messenger.Register<Wrapped<TestInt>>(recipient, Receive);

Localization Asset Binding

Asset binding is a special kind of reflection binding. Syntax works as follows:

<ui:Image view-data-key="{#Flag>image}"/>

Where key must be stored in view-data-key attribute and start with # operator.

After # follows table entry name. image

After entry name follows > symbol. It is used as separator.

And then property path of current VisualElement is specified.

Property used in example:


Binding Types Limitations

In order to create bindings package relies on explicitly declared generic types and if it can't find one implements generic fallback.

Generic fallbacks are mostly fine with Mono scripting backend as JIT properly compiles them and performance different is rather insignificant (but still exists).

But with IL2CPP fallbacks result in huge performance degradation compared to explicitly declared types.

In order to enable warnings when fallbacks are used define MVVMTK_FALLBACK_WARNINGS in your project settings. Warnings will suggest what type you need to implement to improve performance.

There are 2 types of explicit binding solvers:

  1. ISingleSolver - provides binding support for specified type.
  2. IMultiSolver - provides binding support for converting one type to another.

For example there are some built in generics solvers implemented in package:

    public class IntSolver : SingleSolver<int> { }
    public class UintSolver : SingleSolver<uint> { }
    public class ByteSolver : SingleSolver<byte> { }
    public class FloatSolver : SingleSolver<float> { }
    public class DoubleSolver : SingleSolver<double> { }
    public class StringSolver : SingleSolver<string> { }
    public class BoolSolver : SingleSolver<bool> { }

In order to support other types you need to implement solvers yourself simply inheriting from SingleSolver<T> or MultiSolver<TFrom,TTo>.

// Converter need to be preserved in case you use code stripping
public class TextureToTexture2DConverter : MultiSolver<Texture2D, Texture> { }

IMultiSolver are only required for Localized Asset Binding.


Model-View-ViewModel Toolkit for Unity UIToolkit.




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