Continuous test runner for NUnit 2 and 3
test.exe assembly
Runs all Nunit
2 and 3 tests found the assembly.
attruibute at the class level[Test]
attruibute at the class level[Timeout]
attribute on methods and the class level[Ignore]
attribute on methods and the class level[Explicit]
attribute on methods and the class level
Test results are output to StdOut, information is returned on StdErr.
Note that other properties of the Test
and TestCase
attribuites are not supported, e.g ExpectException
, ExceptionMessage
testd.exe [--x64] [--x86] assembly
Monitors the current directory for changes to dll and exe files, and runs tests (via test.exe
or testx64.exe
or testx86.exe
) when changes are found.
TestGui.exe [assembly]
When started with no arguments TestGui.exe
discovers unit test projects relative to the current directory. Double-clicking a test project start testing.
When passed an assembly uses testd.exe
to monitor the selected build for changes to dll and exe files, and runs tests (via test.exe
or testx64.exe
) when changes are found.
I don't want to pay to a test runner (e.g. NCrunch) when I can build a simple one myself.