script helps you to take an every day e-mail about your server.
With this script you can see in your mail:
- Your clamav antivirus information
- Which ports are open
- How many users do you have in your system
- What hardware temperature is on your server right now.
- Canonical hello information about your processes, memory, hdd usage, how many users are "logged in" right now (and other info, that you can see on your login screen).
- Backup log (if you do it from a script to backup.log)
- Any mounted hdd size.
- Differents in your packages, new packages in the system
Script is easy and you can configure it like you want or add something else.
- Install this software:
sudo apt-get install clamav postfix mailutils sensors hddtemp
- Start the Clamav antivirus
sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam start
- Configure your postfix:
dpkg-reconfigure postfix
- Find your sensors
- Create a list of your packages (do it in the script directory):
dpkg --get-selections > packages
- Don't forget to change your paths and mail address in the script and give to them executable rights
chmod +x
- For a daily info you might create a crontab entry ( sudo crontab -e ), for example, this rule is for an every day mail at 5 AM:
00 5 * * * ./