Syntax utilities for those who does too, for Idris 2
I often find myself in calling a several-argument functions with non-trivial expressions, which do not worth putting to a separate variable. So, I need to do something like this:
val : Nat -> Nat
val a = f (a + 5) (a `minus` 4)
which contains disgusting parenthesis.
We can't use $
-operator, because it is right-associative.
So, let's use this library and its left-associative operator .|
val : Nat -> Nat
val a = f .| a + 5 .| a `minus` 4
No parens!
Sometimes we have logic on a property of a collection. Those properties are usually functions and usually they require parenthesis, brrr... Sometimes we can get rid of them, and make things look a bit more readable (if you get used to new functions).
aVect : (set : SortedSet String) -> Vect set.size String
aVect set = set.asVect
Monads parameterised by Bool
form a short-circuiting logic, e.g.
d : Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m String
d cond1 cond2 =
if !(cond1 && cond2)
then pure "no"
else pure "yes"