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2. Project Rhino Manual

icebergelectronics edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 1 revision

Project Rhino Manual

This is the Manual Page of Project Rhino

Communication Functions


  • Syntax : serial_trans(int baud,int Data)
  • Description : Performs serial transmission of data. Takes 2 inputs as arguments with first as baud rate and second as the data.
  • Example : serial_trans(-3,’3’);

Receiver :

  • Syntax : serial_rec(int baud)
  • Description : Performs serial receival of data . Takes baud rate as input . Gives data as output
  • Example : serial_rec(-3);


Millisecond timer :

  • Syntax : delay_ms(int ms)
  • Description : Used to produce delay in milliseconds . Takes time in milliseconds as input .
  • Example : delay_ms(10);

Microsecond timer :

  • Syntax : delay_us(int us)
  • Description : Used to produce delay in microseconds . Takes time in microseconds as input .
  • Example : delay_us(10);

Seconds timer :

  • Syntax : delay(int sec)
  • Description : Used to produce delay in seconds . Takes time in seconds as input .
  • Example : delay(10);

Counter 0 :

  • Syntax : counter_0()
  • Description : Used to count the external stimuli at pin 4 of port 3.
  • Example : counter_0();

Counter 1 :

  • Syntax : counter_1()
  • Description : Used to count the external stimuli at pin 5 of port 3.
  • Example : counter_1();


External Interrupt 0 :

  • Syntax : ext_0()
  • Description : Used to respond to external interrupt at pin 2 at port 3.
  • Example : ext_0();

External Interrupt 1 :

  • Syntax : ext_1()
  • Description : Used to respond to external interrupt at pin 3 at port 3.
  • Example : ext_1();

Interrupt Priority :

  • Syntax : ext_priority(int a);
  • Description : Used to prioritize between external interrupt 0 and external interrupt 1. It takes external interrupt number as priority.
  • Example : ext_priority(1);

Power Control

Idle Mode :

  • Syntax : power_idle()
  • Description : Used to send microcontroller to idle mode.
  • Example : power_idle();

Power Off Mode :

  • Syntax : power_off()
  • Description : Used to switch off the microcontroller
  • Example : power_off();