Simple spike extraction script in python.
Takes as input a series of matlab files, each of which contains a variable 'LFPVoltage' representing the voltage on a single recording channel. Saves files to .spike format to be read in pyclust.
Usage: [options] <inputfiles>...
--output=<outfilename> Output filename [default: output.spike]
--samplingfreq=<fs> Sampling frequency in Hz [default: 25000]
--segmentlength=<mins> Size of data chunks (in min) to process at a time [default: 10]
--waveformlength=<ms> Length of waveforms (in ms) to extract [default: 1]
--threshold=<sigmamult> Multiple of std to use as threshold [default: 5]
--filter_low=<lowcut> Filter range low cut (Hz) [default: 600]
--filter_high=<highcut> Filter range high cut (Hz) [default: 6000]
Sample usage:
./ --output=foo.spike LFPvoltage_ch1.mat LFPvoltage_ch2.mat LFPvoltage_ch3.mat LFPvoltage_ch4.mat