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byul is a tool that uses AI to format and generate Git commit messages based on branch names and diffs.

npm license

Quick Start

Get byul up and running quickly!

AI Mode

  1. Install:

    npm install byul
  2. Set Up .env:

  3. Use Commit:

    git commit

AI Mode Disabled

  1. Install:

    npm install byul
  2. Configure byul.config.json:

      "AI": false
  3. Use Commit:

    git commit -m "commit message"


You can install byul using your preferred package manager:


npm install byul


yarn add byul


pnpm add byul


bun add byul

Setup Error Resolution

If the byul.config.json file hasn’t been created automatically after installing with --save-dev, it may be because the setup script doesn't run automatically in development dependency mode.

To resolve this, manually run the setup script:

node node_modules/byul/dist/setup.mjs


The byul.config.json file must be placed in the root directory of your project.

  "byulFormat": "{type}: {commitMessage} (#{issueNumber})", // Commit message is formatted based on this when AI mode is off.
  "AI": true, // Toggle AI mode on or off.

  // The following settings are used when AI mode is enabled.
  "language": "English", // Language setting, all languages are supported.
  "model": "gpt-4o-mini", // Model setting, all ChatGPT models are supported.

  "commitTypes": {
    // Optional, configure as per the project needs.
    "feat": "Feature (new feature)",
    "fix": "Bug fix (bug fix)",
    "refactor": "Refactoring",
    "style": "Code style (code formatting, whitespace, comments, semicolons: no changes to business logic)",
    "docs": "Documentation (add, modify, delete docs, README)",
    "test": "Tests (add, modify, delete test code: no changes to business logic)",
    "settings": "Project settings",
    "chore": "Miscellaneous changes like package manager mods, e.g., .gitignore",
    "init": "Initial creation",
    "rename": "Rename or move files/folders only",
    "remove": "Delete files only",
    "design": "UI/UX design changes like CSS",
    "release": "Deployment or release, e.g., release/login-123"

AI Mode Enabled (AI: true)

By default, we recommend using the English language and the gpt-4o-mini model.

  "language": "English",
  "model": "gpt-4o-mini"

Create a .env file in the root directory of your project and set it as follows:


AI will automatically review the changes in the diff and use the prepare-commit-msg hook to write the commit message. Note that AI mode only works when using the git commit command. It won't work when using the -m option for commit messages.

If an issue number is included in the branch name, AI will automatically append the issue number to the commit message. AI will also review the changes and append the appropriate commit type, regardless of the branch name.

feat: commit title (#123)

- commit body
- commit footer


AI Mode Disabled (AI: false)

  "byulFormat": "{type}: {commitMessage} (#{issueNumber})",
  "AI": false

When AI is set to false in byul.config.json, the AI auto-commit feature is disabled. In this case, commit messages will automatically be formatted based on the branch name, extracting the issue type and issue number.


Given the branch feature/login-123, if you commit with:

git commit -m "Add login logic"

byul will automatically format the message as:

feature: Add login logic #123


You can customize the commit message format by modifying the byul.config.json file. For example:

  "byulFormat": "#{issueNumber} {commitMessage} ({type})"

Given the same branch feature/login-123 and commit message:

git commit -m "Add login logic"

The commit message will be formatted as:

#123 Add login logic (feature)

This flexibility allows you to define a format that best suits your project's needs.


Q. The commit message is not automatically formatted.

A. If the branch name doesn't include the issue type or issue number, the commit message won't be automatically formatted. Ensure the branch name follows the format that allows extraction of the issue type and number.

Q. AI commit mode is not working.

A. Ensure that the .env file includes the OPENAI_API_KEY. Without this key, the AI mode won't function. Add the key and try again.

Q. Which model should I use?

A. Any ChatGPT model can be used, but we recommend using the gpt-4o-mini model.

Q. Is it possible to commit without byul formatting sometimes?

A. Add the BYUL_ALL_OFF=true environment variable to the .env file.


Q. I'm using husky, but byul doesn't seem to work at all.

A. If you are using husky, there may be cases where the hook script file is not created. Please copy the following command to add the hook script.

echo 'node node_modules/byul/dist/index.js "$1" "$2" "$3"' > .husky/prepare-commit-msg


We welcome contributions to byul! Whether it's reporting a bug, suggesting an enhancement, or submitting a pull request, your input is valued.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please contact love1ace.