c0rp3n - @c0rp3n
Hi, I'm Oliver a Lead Software Engineer at Cadence working on EDA tools.
- Ensuring your mile high schematics load in <1s.
- Legacy code archeology.
- Finding new ways to draw schematics badly.
- Cento - A library for a Corner Stitching data structure.
- ColorLib - An optimised color tag library for CS:GO server plugins.
- Color Generator - A code generation tool for mapping color names to escape codes.
- Checker - A python script for parsing and checking for the correct format of color tags.
- Jitter - A Rust program for shuffling lines of a text file.
- Trouble in Terrorist Town (CS:GO) - Former contributor (RDM Plugin, misc fixes, custom roles, ...).
- Basic-V - A basic BASIC compiler to Risc-V assembly.
- Jump Stats CS:GO - Updated version of ceLoFaN's jump stats plugin for CLWO TTT.
- Twitter: @c0rp3n
- Email: ojhitchcock@gmail.com