Tool for Mina Protocol
This tool can be useful for Mina validators who run node at same time as block producer and snark worker.
Worker can take up all processor time, which negatively affects block producer. When less than STOP_WORKER_BEFORE_MIN
minutes remain before the next proposal, the script disconnects the worker and starts it after STOP_WORKER_FOR_MIN
Python ver. 3.6+
Your snark worker must be RUNNED. Otherwise, the script will take the Block producer public key
Check the configuration file. There are some options you might want to reassign
If you run mina daemon through docker, then you need to add the flag -p
sudo apt-get update \
&& sudo apt-get install python3-venv tmux git -y \
&& git clone \
&& cd mina-snark-stopper \
&& python3 -m venv venv \
&& source ./venv/bin/activate \
&& pip3 install -r requirements.txt
tmux new -s snark-stopper -d venv/bin/python3
You can watch the snark-stopper work
tmux attach -t snark-stopper
Press to exit ctrl + b
and then d
- Download config file and change the parameters to suit you
curl -s > config.yml
- Run docker container
sudo docker run -d \
--volume $(pwd)/config.yml:/mina/config.yml \
--volume $(pwd)/snark_stopper.log:/mina/snark_stopper.log \
--net=host \
--restart always \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
--name snark-stopper \
- Check logs
docker logs -f snark-stopper
If you want to change some parameteres - change it in config file and then restart docker container
docker restart snark-stopper
If the snark-stopper can't connect to port 3085
- Check port availability
nc -t -vv localhost 3085
Output should be something like this:
Connection to localhost 3085 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
If the connection hangs, then the following options are possible:
- Access to port
is blocked via ufw\iptables - You did not add a docker container flag
- Node is not synced yet. For this reason the stopper can't connect
- Port responds, but the stopper still can't connect
iptables -D OUTPUT -d -j DROP
it's because of the blocking of private subnets that the docker uses
After running the command below, go to step 2
docker rm -f snark-stopper; \
curl -s > config.yml; \
docker pull c29r3/snark-stopper
rm -rf mina-snark-stopper; \
docker rm -f snark-stopper; \
docker system prune -af