Visualize resource consumption and generated ResourceQuota with recommend spec
curl -ssf -L | bash
Adding completion for bash (also available for zsh and fish)
echo "source <(kotaplan completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc
A Windows binary is also available checkout our latest release, you will find kotaplan_<version>_windows_amd64.tar.gz
What it accomplishes :
- List client namespace with :
- Amount of pods
- Total amount of request (CPU and Memory)
- Current total amount of usage (CPU and Memory)
- Does it fit the default claim
- The recommended spec of the claim
- List cluster resources :
- Amount of worker nodes
- Total amount of allocatable resources (CPU and Memory)
- Maximum amount of resource per namespace (CPU and Memory)
- Total amount of allocatable resources with over-commit (CPU and Memory)
- Check that the recommended spec fit the maximum amount of resource per namespace
- Give a result which check that the total amount of resources fit the total allocatable of the cluster
- Generate YAML manifest for all the namespace with the recommended spec
For a namespace to be marked as "fit default", its request must be 20% lower that the default claim
If a namespace does not a fit the default claim the recommendation will add a margin of 20%.
This is the default setting, it can be change via the --margin
kotaplan help
Visualize resource consumption and generated ResourceQuota with recommend spec
kotaplan [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
generate Generate ResourceQuota manifest
help Help about any command
view Visualize resource consumption, policy compliance and recommended ResourceQuota
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kotaplan.yaml)
--default-claim-cpu int Amount of CPU for the default claim in Milli. ex 1000 = 1CPU. (default 0)
--default-claim-memory int Amount of Memory for the default claim in GiB. (default 0)
-h, --help help for kotaplan
--kubeconfig string Path to a kubeconfig (default "~/.kube/config")
-l, --labels string Match namespace containing a label (default "quota=managed")
--margin float Margin for the recommended spec (default 1.2)
--master string Address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig
--over-commit-cpu float Ratio of the CPU over or under commit (default 1)
--over-commit-memory float Ratio of the Memory over or under commit (default 1)
--ratio-namespace-cpu float Ratio of the maximum amount of CPU that can be claim by a namespace. Ex: 0.5 meaning 50% of the cluster is claimable by a Namespace (default 1)
--ratio-namespace-memory float Ratio of the maximum amount of Memory that can be claim by a namespace. Ex: 0.5 meaning 50% of the cluster is claimable by a Namespace (default 1)
Use "kotaplan [command] --help" for more information about a command.
In case manifest should be generated
kotaplan generate
In case the default claim should be customized : Example a default claim with 6Gi of Memory and 1 CPU
kotaplan view --default-claim-memory 6 --default-claim-cpu 1000