Automated cadCAD system models diagram through GraphViz.
This Python module generate diagrams for existing cadCAD models with an aesthetic similiar to the illustrations on the official documentation. (
The recommended way is through pip:
pip install cadCAD_diagram
Alternatively, you can install a branch directly from the repository through:
pip install git+
There are two way to generate a diagram. The first one involves providing the objects which defines the cadCAD variables, parameters and PSUBs, and the second one involves providing the Configuration object directly.
Generating a diagram from the cadCAD components is done through:
>>> from cadCAD_diagram import diagram
>>> dia = diagram(initial_state, sys_params, partial_state_update_block)
>>> dia.format = 'png'
>>> dia.render()
While generating a diagram from a Configuration object would be as follows:
>>> from cadCAD_diagram import diagram_from_config
>>> dia = diagram_from_config(config)
>>> dia.format = 'png'
>>> dia.render()
If you use the append_configs
method, you could plot the diagram of the first config by:
from cadCAD_diagram import diagram_from_config
from cadCAD import configs
An minimal example is done by the following block:
def policy_1(p, s, h, v):
return {"pi_1": v["var_1"]}
def policy_2(p, s, h, v):
return {"pi_1": v["var_1"], "pi_2": v["var_1"] * v["var_2"]}
def suf_1(p, s, h, v, pi):
return ("var_1", pi["pi_1"])
def suf_2(p, s, h, v, pi):
return ("var_2", pi["pi_2"])
psubs = [
"label": "Test",
"policies": {"policy_1": policy_1, "policy_2": policy_2},
"variables": {"var_1": suf_1, "var_2": suf_2},
initial_state = {"var_1": 0, "var_2": 1}
params = {"param_1": 0, "param_2": 1}
from cadCAD_diagram.config_diagram import diagram
dia = diagram(initial_state, params, psubs)
Another example is the a colab version of the Prey & Predator demo available on the following link: