Pronounced grae:fi/h/ks, alternatively Grafikha -- a nod to either Haxe language or Kha graphics backend or whatever.
A hobby ray tracer from scratch in Haxe using Kha as a low-level graphics API (for vector maths and putting pixels on the screen).
The initial goal was an obscure minimal business card-style implementation, but with more features added and for better flexibility some modularization became necessary.
Supports either .nff (view frustum, spheres, triangles and lights only) or .obj format input. I am not aiming, at any point, to support the complete zoo of nff primitives so it's gonna be either universal triangles or some interesting smooth surfaces.
Interactive, qweasd moves/rotates camera around the focal point. Plan to support on the fly nff input, think it'll be cool.
Rendering: diffuse and specular shading (read: hard shadows and simple highlights), raytraced reflections and at this point somewhat broken refraction/transparency. Plan to rework it as a modular pipeline allowing to turn stages on/off change parameters such as bounce count, etc. on the fly.
Planning some optimizations with compute shaders and perhaps adaptive resolution scaling/sampling rate (there is none as of now), also perhaps log frame times [Giga]rays per-pixel, etc.
Stretch goals: some depth of field and motion blur would be sweet.
No plans whatsoever of making it into usable game engine or anything like that. Intend to perform zero modeling as well.
Restore existing features (triangles, obj format, camera movement)
Figure out Electron HTML5 target in Atom -
Interactive manipulation of render parameters(also read from nff)- mouse dragging input values
Interface: input model file from command line;
log info to window title -
Feature: Refraction
Feature: sampled/temporal AA
Optimization: adaptive resolution/caching
- multithreading or round robin
Optimization: Offload ray calculations onto compute shaders
Optimization: Rasterized visibility
Optimization: further modularization
- electron security flag
- proper electron installation
- decouple from dconsole via events
- Issue: dcmonitor won't open on native (shift+tab)
- adaptive render sampling [x] recover obj / triangles
- dconsole in separate thread (where available)
- subscribe for refresh only when scene params change
- each render pass take constant time, each time evaluating a sample of rays - cached between updates
- displayed at low res
- when rendered at target resolution, stop
- render sampler should be automatically reflected in preview
- on close save image off backbuffer
- replace backbuffer with g2.Image