borlandp.vim is a Vim colorscheme that looks like good old Borland IDEs, such as Turbo Pascal and Turbo C++.
Vim script page:
It is based on borland.vim colorscheme by Yegappan Lakshmanan.
This colorscheme has been especially tested with curly-braced languages such as C++ and Java.
Note that javadoc lines has been made less significant to focus on the code.
borlandp.vim on Vim on DOSBox
If the original color is too blue or bright, the following options can be used to make the background darker, since the background color is customizable.
To do so, one of the following code snippets should be added to VIMRC, before the following line:
colorscheme borlandp
let g:borlandp_bg = "dark_blue"
let g:borlandp_bg = "dark_gray"
let g:borlandp_bg = "black"
Simply delete the let g:borlandp_bg = ".."
The blue background can also be explicitely set:
let g:borlandp_bg = "borland_blue"
Source code used in screenshots for C language:
Source code used in screenshots for Java language:
Source code used in screenshots for Python language:
Source code used in screenshots for Pascal language:
Source code used in screenshots for Markdown file:
The font used in the screenshots except DOS screenshot:
set gfn=PxPlus_IBM_VGA8:h14:cANSI:qDRAFT
It can be downloaded here:
Also, the screen has been configured as follows in Vim:
set columns=80 lines=25
For Vundle users:
Plugin 'caglartoklu/borlandp.vim'
For all other users, simply drop the borlandp.vim
file to your
colorscheme borlandp
ftcolor.vim is a Vim plugin that switches colorschemes according to the file type.
qbcolor.vim is a Vim colorscheme that looks like good old Microsoft QuickBASIC.