filter_pandoc_run_py is a pandoc filter for execute python codes written in CodeBlocks
or inline Code
. It receives the print statement output and place it to the markdown converted file. Also, it save any created pyplot figure to a folder and include it as an image. Code has to be trusted
To apply the filter, use the following option with pandoc:
pandoc INPUT_FILE -F filter_pandoc_run_py --to OUTPUT_FORMAT -o OUTPUT_FILE
pandoc ./tests/ -F filter_pandoc_run_py -t gfm -o
- You can convert it to any pandoc supported format;
- When converted to a markdown format it can change some part of the text to conform with the default style (e.g. changing setext-style headers to ATX headers).
filter_pandoc_run_py requires [python] (tested in version > 3.0)
Install filter_pandoc_run_py as root using the bash command
git clone URL
cd dir
pip install .
Or get it from PYPI:
pip install filter_pandoc_run_py
Create a regular markdown code but appending a class .run to it.
Output print statement as a BlockQuote or paragraph. You can hide the generation code.
Syntax: {.python .run format=[blockquote (default), text] hide_code=[False (default), True] }
The following syntax is also support for enabling standard IDE code highlight:
#filter: {.run format=[blockquote (default), text] hide_code=[False (default), True] }
.... code ....
"Pretty print" enable: output of print statement is converted and is rendered
Output print statement as inline text.
The syntax is:
"Pretty print" enable: output of print statement is converted and is rendered
From a markdown file such as:
```{.python .run}
d = 1e3
m = 2 * d
print('The total mass is {:.2f} $m^3$'.format(m))
pandoc FILE --to markdown -F filter_pandoc_run_py -o
> Output:
> > The total mass is 2000.00 $m^3$
Generating pyplot images embedded in markdown file:
```{.python .run caption="Figure Number One" label="my_fig"}
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.plot([1, 2], [3, 4], 'dr-')
- Check files
If you have any difficulties with filter_pandoc_run_py, please feel welcome to file an issue on github so that we can help.