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πŸ’Ž RoadmapΒ Β Β |Β Β  πŸ›Έ TechsΒ Β Β |Β Β  ⚠️ PrerequisitesΒ Β Β |Β  ❔ How To UseΒ Β Β |Β Β  πŸ”– BadgesΒ Β Β |Β Β  πŸ” LicenseΒ Β Β |Β Β  ☎ Contact Me

Suno Movies image background

πŸ’Ž Roadmap

πŸ“‚ Header
  • Show or hide header effect with scroll event
  • Form input header search bar validation with Yup lib
  • Toggle form input header search bar with Ctrl+Shift+f shortcut
  • Close form input header search bar with Escape shortcut
  • Get auto focus input when form input header search bar is open
  • Search movie
  • Different header style between home and other pages
πŸ“‚ Header > mob
  • Open menu
πŸ“‚ Footer
  • Code repository anchor
πŸ“ƒ Catalogue
  • Scroll to the catalogue section
  • List movies
    • Carousel
      • Change carousel card movie scale/effect with mouse hover
    • Catalogue list
  • Filter buttons by:
    • Genre
    • Layout
    • Close filter accordion with outside element click
  • Load more button
πŸ“ƒ Selected movie
  • List movie details
  • Video player
    • Fix some movie id that doesn't work
    • Captions
    • Settings
    • TV share
    • Full screen
    • Watch on YouTube
    • ...
πŸ“ƒ 404
  • Custom error page
βš™οΈ Others
  • Responsive layout
  • Back to top button
  • Save movie details data on browser local storage
  • Toggle theme mode, Dark default | Light | Automatic
  • Shimmer skeleton lazy loading placeholder
  • Button loading
  • Static Generation (SSG)
  • Any suggestion? Contact me!

πŸ›Έ Techs

dependencies devDependencies Others
Axios Commitlint React Developer Tools
Animate.css Commitizen Vs Code Debugger
Hamburger-react CZ-customizable
Hover.css ESLint
LottieFiles ESlint-plugin-import-helpers
Material UI Husky
Next.js Prettier
Polished SVGR
React TypeScript

⚠️ Prerequisites

In order to use and test this project locally, you should've already setup the development environment.
Or go to to see the project in a production environment.

Deploy with Vercel

❔ How To Use

To clone and run this application locally, you'll need Git, Node.js v10.16 or higher + Yarn v1.13 or higher installed on your computer.

Hit me to toggle collapse: πŸ•ΉοΈπŸ€

From your command line follow these steps...

# Clone the project
$ git clone 'Suno-Movies' && cd 'Suno-Movies'

# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# or
$ npm i

# Start the project
$ yarn dev

# You'll be able to see the URL http://localhost:{port} on your command line, so open them!

# Very well, now you can enjoy this project! ;)

πŸ”– Badges

GitHub Language Count GitHub Top Language GitHub Last Commit Repository issues Repository Size GitHub License Markdown VSCode TypeScript Styled Components Git NPM Yarn ReactJS NextJS

πŸ” License

Copyright Β© 2021 Suno Movies, MIT .

This project is under the MIT license. See the license for more information.

β€œAlways running in search of the goals!”
Done with β™₯ by myself πŸ‘‡ Get in touch!

☎ Contact Me

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