develop | master | versioning | license | contributing | dependencies |
- at least Xcode 12.0
- ruby >= 2.3
The most recent version of Xcode is strongly recommended.
Run Loop is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Licenses for third-party software can be found in ./vendor-licenses
Run Loop follows the spirit of Semantic Versioning. [1] However, the semantic versioning spec is incompatible with RubyGem's patterns for pre-release gems.[2]
"But returning to the practical: No release version of SemVer is compatible with Rubygems." - David Kellum
If a method, class, or constant is marked with:
# @!visibility private
it is not part of the public API and the behavior is subject to change at any time.
The current head of the udidetect head does not include the udidetect binary.
If you are compelled to update, you must rebuild and replace the scripts/udidetect binary.
At this time, there is no reason to update.
It is your responsibility for checking the git branch.
$ rake device_agent:install
$ be rake unit
Take a break because these test launch and quit the simulator multiple times. You have enough time to take some deep breaths and do some stretching. You'll feel better afterward.
Make sure you have hardware keyboard disabled if testing on the simulator.
For continuous TDD/BDD see the Guard section below.
$ be rake integration
- Requires ideviceinstaller.
- Requires devices to be connected with USB.
- Each compatible device will be targeted with tests.
- These are integration tests
If you have alternative Xcode installs that look like this:
the rspec tests will do regression testing against each version.
Guard requires terminal-notifier-guard
$ brew install terminal-notifier-guard
$ be guard
Only the unit tests are run by guard.