CDK with some defaults
This npm package is provided as-is, without any warranties or guarantees of any kind, expressed or implied. The developers and maintainers of this package are not liable for any damages or issues that may arise from the use of this software.
This package may rely on external dependencies, which are subject to their own licenses and terms of use. The developers and maintainers of this package are not responsible for the functionality, security, or maintenance of these external dependencies.
Contributions from the community are welcome, but the developers and maintainers of this package reserve the right to review, modify, or reject any contributions that do not align with the goals or quality standards of the project.
While efforts are made to ensure the security of this package, no software is immune to vulnerabilities. Users are encouraged to report any security issues they discover, and the developers will make reasonable efforts to address them promptly.
This package may not be compatible with all environments, frameworks, or libraries. Users are responsible for verifying compatibility and adapting the package as necessary to fit their specific requirements.
Development of this package may cease or change direction at any time, without prior notice. Users are encouraged to monitor updates and changes to the package and adjust their usage accordingly.
Feedback and support for this package are provided on a best-effort basis. Users are encouraged to seek assistance through the appropriate channels, such as GitHub issues or community forums.
By using this npm package, you agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, you should refrain from using this package.