This tool can be used to verify the integrity of a MySQL replication. There is a command to set up the replication. After the replication is set up, it can be verified that the content of the tables are equivalent on both sides.
npm install -g mysql-replication-guard
or with yarn:
yarn global add mysql-replication-guard
A config file must be created. It can look like that for instance:
"master": {
"host": "master-host",
"user": "replication_guard",
"password": "<some password>"
"slave": {
"host": "slave-host",
"user": "replication_guard",
"password": "<some password>"
"slaveMasterConnection": {
"host": "master-host",
"user": "slave_user",
"password": "<some password>"
"databaseName": "<db name>",
"tables": "all",
"replicationChannel": "production",
"mysqlTool": "/usr/bin/mysql",
"dumpTool": "/usr/bin/mysqldump",
"mail": {
"smtp": {
"host": "",
"auth": {
"user": "",
"pass": "<some password>"
"port": 587
"to": {
"address": "",
"name": "Admin"
"from": {
"address": "",
"name": "MySQL replication guard"
"subject": "MySQL replication guard event"
Details about the schema of the config file can be found in dist/config/schema.json
A mail
property can be provided optionally. When provided, an E-Mail will be send with the given configuration when an
error occurs, or a data inconsistency was detected (even if it could be fixed).
The property can be omitted, in that case no E-Mails will be sent at all.
The script needs the following permissions to the database:
CREATE USER replication_guard@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<some password>';
GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES ON database.* TO replication_guard@localhost;
GRANT SUPER, RELOAD ON *.* TO replication_guard@localhost;
CREATE USER replication_guard@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<some password>';
GRANT RELOAD, SUPER ON *.* TO replication_guard@localhost;