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SQL Server Query Store Shiny Explorer

Shiny app allowing to explore SQL Server query store and to analyse top resource consumming queries


SQL Server query store is a great addition starting from SQL Server 2016.

It is basically a SQL Server “flight recorder” or “black box”, capturing a history of executed queries, query runtime execution statistics, execution plans etc. against a specific database.(

However the exploration and visualisations available in sql management studio allows a database at once experience.

The objective of Shiny Explorer is to have a global view of the queries for all databases where query store is enabled. The current version allows interactive exploration of query activity and visualisation of query plans.



SQL Server Side

Queries to extract data

The application requires 2 csv files to be uploaded (query activity and query plans). The files are using ";" as column separator and have a header with col names.

The queries has to be executed in each database context where query store is enabled. You can use powershell or your tool of choice. I provide also a R script that allows to execute a query on multiple dbs and saves result in single file.

  • Extract query activity (you can filter out data on a start date ) and save all the results in a single file.
activity query ```{sql} DECLARE @startdate DATETIME= '20200514'; ;WITH cte AS (SELECT DB_NAME(DB_ID()) AS database_name, qsint.runtime_stats_interval_id, CAST(start_time AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time' AS DATETIME) AS start_time, CAST(end_time AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time' AS DATETIME) AS end_time, CASE WHEN q.object_id = 0 THEN 'Ad-hoc' ELSE OBJECT_NAME(q.object_id) END AS [ObjectName], q.query_id, qp.plan_id, q.query_parameterization_type_desc, q.last_compile_memory_kb, q.last_compile_duration, CAST(rs.last_execution_time AT TIME ZONE 'Central Europe Standard Time' AS DATETIME) AS rs_last_execution_time, CAST(DATEADD(ms, -1 * last_duration / 1000, rs.last_execution_time) AT TIME ZONE 'Central Europe Standard Time' AS DATETIME) AS rs_last_execution_start_time, CAST(q.last_compile_start_time AT TIME ZONE 'Central Europe Standard Time' AS DATETIME) AS q_last_compile_start_time, rs.execution_type_desc, rs.count_executions, rs.last_duration, CASE WHEN count_executions > 0 THEN rs.avg_duration * count_executions ELSE rs.last_duration END AS total_duration, rs.avg_duration, rs.max_duration, rs.min_duration, rs.avg_cpu_time, rs.last_cpu_time, rs.max_cpu_time, rs.min_cpu_time, rs.avg_cpu_time * rs.count_executions AS total_cpu_time, rs.avg_rowcount, rs.last_rowcount, rs.max_rowcount, rs.min_rowcount, rs.avg_physical_io_reads, rs.max_physical_io_reads, rs.last_physical_io_reads, rs.min_physical_io_reads, rs.avg_physical_io_reads * rs.count_executions AS total_physical_io_reads, rs.avg_logical_io_reads, rs.last_logical_io_reads, rs.max_logical_io_reads, rs.min_logical_io_reads, rs.avg_logical_io_reads * rs.count_executions AS total_logical_io_reads, rs.avg_query_max_used_memory, rs.last_query_max_used_memory, rs.max_query_max_used_memory, rs.avg_query_max_used_memory * rs.count_executions AS total_query_max_used_memory, rs.last_dop, rs.min_logical_io_writes, rs.max_logical_io_writes, rs.last_logical_io_writes, rs.avg_logical_io_writes, rs.avg_logical_io_writes * rs.count_executions AS total_logical_io_writes , CAST(qt.query_sql_text AS VARCHAR(8000)) AS query_sql_text FROM sys.query_store_plan qp INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query q ON qp.query_id = q.query_id INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query_text qt ON q.query_text_id = qt.query_text_id INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats rs ON qp.plan_id = rs.plan_id INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval qsint ON qsint.runtime_stats_interval_id = rs.runtime_stats_interval_id ----left join sys.query_store_wait_stats qsws available on 2017 WHERE is_internal_query != 1) SELECT * FROM cte WHERE 1 = 1 AND start_time >= CAST(@startdate AS DATETIME); ```
  • Extract query plans
plan query ```sql DECLARE @startdate DATETIME= '20200514'; ;WITH cte AS (SELECT DB_NAME(DB_ID()) AS database_name, qp.plan_id, qp.query_id, CAST(start_time AT TIME ZONE 'Central Europe Standard Time' AS DATETIME) AS start_time, CASE WHEN count_executions > 0 THEN rs.avg_duration * count_executions * 1.0 / 1000 / 1000 ELSE rs.last_duration * 1.0 / 1000 / 1000 END AS total_duration_sec FROM sys.query_store_plan qp INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query q ON qp.query_id = q.query_id INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query_text qt ON q.query_text_id = qt.query_text_id INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats rs ON qp.plan_id = rs.plan_id INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval qsint ON qsint.runtime_stats_interval_id = rs.runtime_stats_interval_id), cte_rank AS (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY total_duration_sec DESC) AS rn ---rank queries based on total_duration FROM cte WHERE start_time >= CAST('' AS DATETIME)) SELECT query_id, plan_id, query_plan FROM sys.query_store_plan qp WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM cte_rank WHERE query_id = qp.query_id AND plan_id = qp.plan_id AND rn <= 100 --- limit the number of rows ); ```
  • Once you got the query activity and query plans files you re pretty much ready to go. Click "Upload Files.." by selecting query activity file first and then the query plans.

R script to extract data

Here's a small r script I wrote that executes a query on multiple databases and extract the results in single file.

R script

foreach_db = function (conn , sql , exclude_db = NULL , include_db = NULL) {
            '%ni%' <- Negate('%in%')
            tb_databases  = dbGetQuery(conn, " select name from sys.databases") %>% 
            if ( is.null(include_db))
                  include_db = tb_databases %>% pull(name) 
            tb_result =  dbGetQuery(conn, " select name from sys.databases") %>% 
                         as_tibble() %>% 
                         filter (name %ni% exclude_db &  name %in% include_db) %>%
                         mutate (name =  as.character(name) ) %>%
                                  select (name)  %>%
                                  mutate( tb_filename = map  (name , function (x){  
                                                                             dbGetQuery(conn,  str_c("USE " , x))
                                                                             dbGetQuery(conn,sql )%>% 
                                                                     error=function(theError) {
                                                                            print (str_c ("foreach_db|dbGetQuery|", x, " Error:" , theError))
                                                                        } )
                                                                     })  ) %>%

#configure connection
#In order to access query store tables the login has to be granted "VIEW SERVER STATE"

conn <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), driver= "Sql Server" ,
                  server="Your Server",                                           
                  database ="master" ,
                  UID      = "Login",
                  PWD      = "****")

#exemple query to execute on multiple dbs. Replace the query with extract queries provided 
sql = "SELECT *
      FROM sys.tables ;"

#execute the query on multile dbs (excluding some dbs ) and save data on csv file
foreach_db (conn , sql , exclude_db = c("master", "model"  ,"msdb")   ) %>% 
write_delim ("C:\\Users\\results.csv" , append = F , delim = ";" ,col_names= T )


Live demo :


Author : Calin Damian

Email :



SQL Server Query Store Shiny Explorer








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