Simulate CNCs streaming data to MongoDB and Kafka.
- Add multiple CNCs.
- Add attributes(such as temperature, current and so on) of CNCs.
- Gcode toolpath generation and streaming integrated.
- Stream data to Kafka.
Prereqruisite: You should have workong nodejs and npm.
Setup Kafka.
- Kafka manual
- create a topic and modify the config file (both the address of middleware and topic name)
Clone the project.
$ git clone && cd cnc-data-simulator
Install all the necessary libs.
$ npm install
Start the local server.
$ npm run dev
If you want the server auto restart when you coding, just start
script.$ npm run watch
Navigate to the following url.
:3000/simulator (local_ip
is defined in the config file)
Check out this demo video right here (from @Temmermans): example no SDS
Contributions and ideas are more than welcome!
- Gcode toolpath generate
- Store CNC and attributes in database
Don't forget to modify the local_ip
in config file
(localhost or your real ip)
Main reference is his repo of iot-device-simulator.