A Sonatype Nexus3 OSS image which makes it easy to do volume mounting
This image is based off the official Jenkins Docker image with the addition of allowing the jenkins user to be added to a specific group. You can control exactly what this group is by specifying the Group ID by means of an environment variable (LOCAL_USER_GID). In addition, the User ID can also be specified by means of an environment variable (LOCAL_USER_ID).
The intention is that the group has the correct permissions to access the mounted volume. This image is intended to be used with AWS EBS and AWS EFS.
The base Nexus image used is 3.10.0.
The CloudFormation template deploys Nexus in an existing ECS cluster where EFS is mounted. This is designed to work with ecs-cluster which has CloudFormation templates to deploy EFS and an ECS cluster that mounts EFS. This deploys Nexus in a private subnet. You can expose this publicly using Kong API Gateway.
There are two templates:
- ALB: Makes use of the Application Load Balancer (recommended)
- Classic: makes use of the classic Elastic Load Balancer
The ALB CloudFormation template creates an Application Load Balancer with a default target group and the Nexus CloudFormation template creates an ECS Service which uses the Application Load Balancer along with an ECS cluster that has EFS mounts
An all-in-one CloudFormation template which creates an ECS Service along with a Classic Load Balancer.