The framework is from the 2014PileupWorkshop github repository. This is included as a (git) submodule of our lh2017-2prongs repository.
Details about git submodules can be found at
but here's a basic digest:
Initial checkout: A default "git clone" will give you an empty 2014PileupWorkshop directory you then need to run
git submodule init git submodule update
An alternative is to pass the option "--recursive" to the orinal "git clone" command
Getting changes in the 2014PileupWorkshop submodule:
git submodule update --remote 2014PileupWorkshop
Detailed information on how to build and use the framework is available from (some of it, including the fastjet-contrib part is out-of-date)
In a nutshell, here's the plan
make sure you have a compiled version of fastjet see
make sure you have a compiled version of fastjet-contrib see
there are compilation helpers in 2014PileupWorkshop/scripts (details in the next few steps)
whenever you want to build some code in a given directory, create a ".fastjet" file with the path to your fastjet installation (root path, without the /bin extension) in your current directory, then run
./mkmk make
to build the framework you should do that in the
If you want to have a look at (and build) the examples, you should do it in
I (GS) can set up the mkmk scripts in other directories as we go along
- pure longitudinal WW [from resonance, M=1.5, 3, 4.5 TeV] -> ptcut=500, 1000, 1500 GeV
- pure transverse WW [from resonance, M=???]
- inclusive WW (pt cuts at 500, 1000, 1500)
- dijets (pt cuts at 500, 1000, 1500)
10^5 events in each case(?)