This codebase covers functionality related to single-task fine-tuning and inference of T5-style models: this includes the original T5, FlanT5, as well as ByT5, and other T5-based models such as molT5 or nach0.
The requirement.txt file list all depending Python libraries and is provided to create a conda environment.
The running bash script is which calls the actual Python code/script You can run the script by simply executing bash
Some hyperparameters are hard-coded in the python file under TrainingArguments. Most of these parameters are directly associated with the standard TrainingArguments from HuggingFace, see the following links for further guidance:
The running bash script is which calls the actual Python code/script You can run the script by simply executing bash
An example dataset is provided under data/. The format is quite simple:
• It is a csv file with two columns, where “,” is the delimiter
• First column is the “Input” column (the original sequence before any preprocessing)
• Second column is the “Output” column (also the original gold sequence).
Jiayun Pang and Ivan Vulić. Specialising and Analysing Instruction-Tuned and Byte-Level Language Models for Organic Reaction Prediction. (2024) arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.10625