API for the BeanTastic Game.
- Git and GitHub: Source control
- GitHub Actions: CI/CD pipeline
- Spring boot: End points, link to database
- Lombok: Annotations to generate getters, setters and constructors
- Jakarta: Relational DB mapper
- The controllers folder contains three RestController for each of the core classes (Items, BeanClass and Enemy). They each contain an endpoint which returns a list of objects of their respective types.
- The dao folder contains the three repositories (JPARepository) for each of the core classes.
- The models folder contains two sub folders.
- Within the dto folder the three class types returned by the controllers can be found.
- Within the entities folder the classes corresponding to the tables in the database can be found.
- The utils folder contains a DTOConverter.java file which contains static methods to transform the classes into their DTO versions.
- Ensure the application.properties file located in the resources folder is configured (through the secrets) to correctly point to your database.
- The application can then be started by running the ApiApplication.java file