Create a site that collects data from google, amazon, and Helium 10 on product/search trends. Make a unique page for a search term, condensing the information to be easy to read and infer from. The user will input a search term and the search term will be pushed into the sites to pull data on yearly trends, popularity by state, and where is it most popular. The user may then filter by the three sources if desired.
Provide data on profitability, competitors, etc., for user to determine if there is a market for the product
- A. Python Flask powered RESTful API,
- B. HTML/CSS, JavaScript,
- C. One database (MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, etc.)
- A. A custom "creative" D3.js project (i.e. non-standard graph or chart)
- B. A combination of Web Scraping and Leaflet or Plotly
- C. A dashboard page with multiple charts all updating from the same data
- D. A "thick" server that performs multiple manipulations on data in a database prior to visualization (must be approved)
- A. Multiple.js
- B. ReactJS
- C. Slick
- D. Aurelia
- A. Google Trends []
- B. Amazon API []
- C. Helium 10 []
- D. Etsy API []
- search bar
- filter/dropdown