Provide different examples to compare vector tiles rendering performance.
npm install
cd node_modules/mapbox-to-ol-style/ && npm install
npm start
npm run deploy
npm run deploy -- --dest fgravin
Showing a mapbox streets-v9 base layer with Mapbox GL JS and the ch.are.bauzonen layer with Openlayers.
Mapbox GL JS is handling pointer events.
Openlayers is handling pointer events.
Mapbox GL JS can also display raster layers. This example serves as a benchmark of how well the two map layers should be connected in the OpenLayers integration examples, i.e. ideally there is no noticeable difference.
Showing a map where each layer has its own canvas.
WebGL map renderer with OSM layer rendered in it + canvas layer in its own canvas.
Mixed map renderer that declare no canvas + 2 canvas layers with their own canvas.
The following examples use an experimental Vector Tiles WebGL renderer. The tile loading logic is very basic, hence why the map is blank sometimes.
Swisstopo example map given to an experimental WebGL Vector Tiles renderer. Note: triangulation is done using earcut instead of the custom-made algorithm of OpenLayers.
This example uses a basic MapBox style spec and implements text rendering using SDF glyph atlas with tiny-sdf