This is a work-in-progress, barebones implementation of a 'self-service' site for providers using
It doesn't have to be pretty, it doesn't have to be complex, it should just be better than emailing the sysadmins and waiting up to a week for us to reply.
- Clone and convert YAML provider files to JSON [yes, back to JSON we go]
- Add parsing of a given providers file to the template
- add dummy authentication
- if a crsid passes authentication for a given provider, allow them to:
- view the update form and send an updated list to the server
- re-authenticate user and then make changes to the provider's JSON file
- kick the user out after changes made, so that they have to reauthenticate; admins who remove themselves shouldn't be able to edit
- Create index page of all providers,
- logos, and whether the user is permitted to access them (like camvote at the moment)
- Add Raven authentication
- determine whether other fields (in particular logos?) to be updated?
This project is licensed under GPLv3.