This repository contains the Checkbox Media Provider (Media-specific test cases and test plans for Checkbox) as well as everything that is required to build the [checkbox-media] snap in the snapstore.
Located in the checkbox-provider-media
directory, it contains:
- the test cases (also called "jobs" in the Checkbox jargon) and test plans to be run by Checkbox (in the
- Ubuntu Noble (24.04)
- Supported hardware platforms:
- Intel platforms with recent GPU (>= Broadwell)
Install the Checkbox runtime and build/install the media provider snaps:
sudo snap install --classic snapcraft
sudo snap install checkbox24
lxd init --auto
git clone
cd checkbox-media
sudo snap install --dangerous --classic ./checkbox-media_1.0_amd64.snap
Make sure that the provider service is running and active:
systemctl status snap.checkbox-media.remote-slave.service
Some test need dependencies, so in order to run all tests, you might way to install those dependencies. A helper script is available to install them:
To run the full test plan:
Since snaps are immutable, it is not possible to modify the content of the scripts or the test cases. Fortunately, Checkbox provides a functionality to side-load a provider on the DUT.
Therefore, if you want to edit a job definition, a script or a test plan, run the following commands on the DUT:
cd $HOME
git clone
mkdir /var/tmp/checkbox-providers
cp -r $HOME/checkbox-media/checkbox-provider-media /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/
You can then modify the content of the provider in /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/checkbox-provider-media/
, and it's this version that will be used when you run the tests.
Please refer to the Checkbox documentation on side-loading providers for more information.