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OpenSearch Operator

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The Charmed OpenSearch Operator deploys and operates the OpenSearch software on VMs and machine clusters.

This operator provides an OpenSearch cluster, with:

  • TLS (for the HTTP and Transport layers)
  • Automated node discovery
  • Observability
  • Backup / Restore
  • Safe horizontal scale-down/up
  • Large deployments

The Operator in this repository is a Python project installing and managing OpenSearch installed from the OpenSearch Snap, providing lifecycle management and handling events (install, start, etc).


Bootstrap a lxd controller to juju and create a model:

juju add-model opensearch

Configure the system settings required by OpenSearch, we'll do that by creating and setting a cloudinit-userdata.yaml file on the model. As well as setting some kernel settings on the host machine.

cat <<EOF > cloudinit-userdata.yaml
cloudinit-userdata: |
    - [ 'echo', 'vm.max_map_count=262144', '>>', '/etc/sysctl.conf' ]
    - [ 'echo', 'vm.swappiness=0', '>>', '/etc/sysctl.conf' ]
    - [ 'echo', 'net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=5', '>>', '/etc/sysctl.conf' ]
    - [ 'echo', 'fs.file-max=1048576', '>>', '/etc/sysctl.conf' ]
    - [ 'sysctl', '-p' ]

sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf > /dev/null <<EOT

sudo sysctl -p

juju model-config --file=./cloudinit-userdata.yaml

Basic Usage

To deploy a single unit of OpenSearch using its default configuration.

juju deploy opensearch --channel=2/edge

Relations / Integrations

The relevant provided relations of Charmed OpenSearch are:

Client interface:

To connect to the Charmed OpenSearch Operator and exchange data, relate to the opensearch-client endpoint:

juju deploy data-integrator --channel=2/edge
juju integrate opensearch data-integrator

Large deployments:

Charmed OpenSearch also allows to form large clusters or join an existing deployment, through the relations:

  • peer-cluster
  • peer-cluster-orchestrator
juju integrate main:peer-cluster-orchestrator data-hot:peer-cluster


The Charmed OpenSearch Operator also supports TLS encryption as a first class citizen, on both the HTTP and Transport layers. TLS is enabled by default and is a requirement for the charm to start.

The charm relies on the tls-certificates interface.

1. Self-signed certificates:

# Deploy the self-signed TLS Certificates Operator.
juju deploy self-signed-certificates --channel=latest/stable

# Add the necessary configurations for TLS.
juju config \
    self-signed-certificates \
    ca-common-name="Test CA" \
    certificate-validity=365 \
# Enable TLS via relation.
juju integrate self-signed-certificates opensearch

# Disable TLS by removing relation.
juju remove-relation opensearch self-signed-certificates

Note: The TLS settings shown here are for self-signed-certificates, which are not recommended for production clusters. The Self Signed Certificates Operator offers a variety of configuration options. Read more on the TLS Certificates Operator here.


Security issues in the Charmed OpenSearch Operator can be reported through LaunchPad. Please do not file GitHub issues about security issues.


Please see the Juju SDK docs for guidelines on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and for developer guidance.


The Charmed OpenSearch Operator is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.