The ROS 2 teleop snap allows for teleoperating a robot from either the keyboard, gamepad or leave it to the navigation stack.
This package is distributed as a snap and as such is meant to be built using snapcraft:
Using the locally built snap, first install it
snap install --dangerous ros2-teleop-*.snap
It can also be installed directly from the store:
snap install ros2-teleop
The snap offers the possibility to teleoperate the robot from a joystick.
Run the application with:
snap start
This app launches both the gamepad driver as well as the joy teleop node.
The snap offers parameters for the joystick application. Those are:
- joy-vel (string, default: 'joy_vel')
- joy-dev (string, default: 'dev/input/js0')
- joy-config (string, default: '')
- config-filepath (string, default: '')
At least one between joy-config
and config-filepath
parameters must be set for the application to run.
In case both joy-config
and config-filepath
are set, the configuration file will take precedence.
The upstream package offers some default joystick configurations. Those can be set up with the joy-config parameter as follows:
snap set joy-config='ps3'
In alternative, a custom configuration file can be used. The file can be provided
by means of a URL. In such case, the snap will download the file and
place it in $SNAP_COMMON/config/joy_teleop.config.yaml
To configure the config-filepath to a URL:
snap set ros2-teleop config-filepath=""
Note: the URL must be reachable by the snap. When using a URL, the configuration file will be downloaded everytime the joy app is launched. Therefore a configuration update upstream will be applied with the application relaunch.
Otherwise to configure the config-filepath to a local configuration file:
snap set ros2-teleop config-filepath="/var/snap/ros2-teleop/common/config/joy_teleop.config.yaml"
The local configuration should be at a path accessible to the snap such as $SNAP_COMMON.
The robot can also be teleoperated from a keyboard (e.g. SSH) by launching the application with,
The snap makes use of a topic multiplexer to switch from one source to another. Its input topic can be selected as,
ros2-teleop.mux-select <topic>
This is equivalent to:
ros2 service call /mux/select topic_tools_interfaces/srv/MuxSelect "{topic: <topic>}"
The topics names can also be configured with snap parameters:
- cmd-vel (string, default: "cmd_vel")
- nav-vel (string, default: "nav_vel")
- web-vel (string, defautl: "web_vel")
Note that when launching the joy or key app, the appropriate topic is automatically selected.