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cantora edited this page May 21, 2013 · 4 revisions

##requirements The following dependencies must be installed in your OS in order to compile and run aug.

  • ncursesw (with developer headers)
    aug uses ncurses for screen manipulation and requires the 'wide character' version in order to support UTF character sets. In a Debian based Linux distribution, you can install ncursesw with development headers using the following command sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev. On OSX the pre-installed ncurses library is the same as the ncursesw library, so it should already be installed.

The make file will automatically fetch and compile the following dependencies when building aug.

  • libvterm
    aug uses libvterm for all its terminal emulation needs. The make file will use the bzr (bazaar) utility to checkout a copy of libvterm from launchpad, so if you don't have bzr installed you must install it. Alternatively, you can download libvterm (revision 589) and unpack it into a directory called libvterm in the aug source tree.
  • libccan
    aug uses libccan for various utility functions. The make file will use git to automatically checkout a copy of the libccan source code. Alternatively, you can download the source here and unzip it to a directory in the source tree called libccan.

##compilation To acquire the aug source code run
git clone 'git://'
or alternatively download and unzip the source code. Next, change directory into the aug source tree and run
If the compilation is successful, you will find the compiled binary aug in the current directory. If you want to install it into your system, you can simply copy the binary to an appropriate system install path or to your ~/bin directory (aug doesnt require any other resource files to be installed into the system in order to run).

If compilation fails, please create an issue and I'll do my best to respond quickly and help you resolve it.

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