The Eleventh Omnistack week by Rocketseat
This App helps ONGs to register incidents and search for a ‘hero’ who can support with monetary value, info or help of any kind.
Register your ONG and incidents, be a hero and save the day!
First run the backend:
cd backend
npm install
npm start
Then run the desktop version, starting the frontend, following these steps:
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Go to localhost:3000.
First run the backend, then run the mobile version following these steps:
cd mobile
npm install
npm start
Download the Expo app in your phone and scan the QR Code.
The main goal is simply learn more about Node.js, React, React Native and JavaScript.
CTO at Rocketseat, the instructor of the OmniStack 11.0 week is Diego Fernandes
📃 This project is under the MIT License