This example is a more elaborate version of our original hello-world example that illustrates the use of parameter and response definitions.
The code defining the service is located in lib/HelloService.js
and uses a simple Endpoint
object to implement an HTTP GET
at the path /hello
Recall that our original, bare-bones hello-world service looked like this:
__(function() {
module.exports = o({
_type: carbon.carbond.Service,
port: 8888,
endpoints : {
hello: o({
_type: carbon.carbond.Endpoint,
get: function(req, res) {
return { msg: "Hello world!" }
This example illustrates formally defining the parameters taken and responses returned by our hello
__(function() {
module.exports = o({
_type: carbon.carbond.Service,
port: 8888,
endpoints : {
hello: o({
_type: carbon.carbond.Endpoint,
get: {
parameters: {
who: {
location: 'query', // one of 'path', 'query', 'header', or 'body'
required: false,
default: 'world',
schema: { type: 'string' } // drives parsing and validation (which can also help prevent injection attacks)
responses: [
statusCode: 200,
description: "Success",
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
msg: { type: 'string' }
required: [ 'msg' ],
additionalProperties: false
service: function(req, res) {
return { msg: `Hello ${req.parameters.who}!` }
We encourage you to clone the git repository so you can play around with the code.
$ git clone -b carbon-0.7
$ cd example__hello-world-service-parameter-parsing
$ npm install
To run the service:
$ node lib/HelloService
For cmdline help:
$ node lib/HelloService -h
To access the /hello
$ curl localhost:8888/hello
{ msg: "Hello world!" }
$ curl localhost:8888/hello?who=Addison
{ msg: "Hello Addison!" }
This example comes with a simple unit test written in's test framework called TestTube. It is located in the test
$ node test/HelloServiceTest
$ npm test
To generate documentation using aglio, install it as a devDependency:
$ npm install -D --no-optional aglio
Using --no-optional
speeds up aglio's install time significantly. Then generate the docs using this command:
$ node lib/HelloService gen-static-docs --flavor aglio --out docs/index.html