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3. Getting Started with Docker

Thomas Kammerlocher edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

Run with Docker


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Java 21
  • For integration tests: Node 14+

Node Prerequisites

It is recommend to reach the Tip with the node before starting to sync to avoid instabilities between the connection of the node and the indexer. To speed the process up you can rely on snapshots which can be obtained here: Cardano Blockchain Snapshots

Known instabilities are:

  • connection losses between yaci-store and the cardano node - Can be fixed by running docker restart yaci-indexer

How to run with Docker Compose

  • Clone the repository
  • For local environment:
    • Copy .env.docker-compose to .env
    • Fill the .env file with your values (explain below) or use the provided for docker-compose setup
    • Run docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --build to start rosetta api service including yaci-store and a cardano node
    • Using the provided env file docker-compose --env-file .env.docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --build
  • Note: the first time you run the command, it will take a little bit of your time to build the cardano-node, and next time it will be cached when run. So please be patient.

If you want to sync it by yourself you can start the node alone by running (.env file used from next chapter):

docker-compose --env-file .env.docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up cardano-node

As soon as the node reached the tip you can start the rest by running:

docker-compose --env-file .env.docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up

How to run integration tests

  • Run docker compose --env-file .env.IntegrationTest -f docker-integration-test-environment.yaml up --build -d --wait
  • Using CLI
    • Install newman npm install -g newman (Node version 14+ needed)
    • Run newman run ./postmanTests/rosetta-java.postman_collection.json -e ./postmanTests/Rosetta-java-env.postman_environment.json -r cli
  • Using Postman
    • Install Postman
    • Import the collection ./postmanTests/rosetta-java.postman_collection.json
    • Import the environment ./postmanTests/Rosetta-java-env.postman_environment.json
    • Run the collection

Build standalone Docker Container


Dockerfile contains cardano-node, Postgres and Cardano Rosetta API Java implementation

The Cardano-node, api and yaci indexer are compiled from source while the build process. Postgres is installed from the official repository.

0. Configuration of the Docker Image

We are using an environment file for alle configuration possibilities. These can be found at ./docker/.env.dockerfile. Within this file all relevant variables are defined e.g. which network to use.

1. How to build the Docker Image from Source

docker build -t {image_name} -f ./docker/Dockerfile .

The build can take up to 1.5 hours. This dockerfile takes care takes care of building the node, indexer and api from source. You can specify Cabal, GHC, Cardano node, and Postgres versions when building an image.

docker build -t {image_name} --build-arg PG_VERSION=14 -f ./docker/Dockerfile .

The default values:

2. How to run the container

docker run --env-file ./docker/.env.dockerfile -p 8082:8082 -it {image_name}:latest

You need to specify the path to the environment variables file and open the port. The standard Port for the API is 8082.

It is recommended to use a fully synced node, otherwise it can lead to instabilities during the sync process. To speed up the process it is also recommended to use Snapshots, how to use these is explained in Chapter Node Prerequisites

To mount Node data into the container use the following command:

docker run --env-file ./docker/.env.dockerfile -p 8082:8082 -v {node_snapshot}:/node/db -it {image_name}:latest

Relevant datapathes within the container:

  • /node/db - Cardano Node Data
  • /node/postgres - Postgres Data
  • /networks - Network config location
  • /logs - Log files for each service

3. Synchronization mode

The synchronization mode is to for users who don't have a fully synced node and need to start from scratch without using a snapshot.

docker run -e SYNC=true --env-file .\docker\.env.dockerfile -p 8082:8082 -d {image_name}:latest

The container can be started in synchronization mode. In this case, the container will verify chunks and synchronize the node, when it reaches the tip, the API is started automatically. To start it you need to change the SYNC variable in .env.dockerfile or by adding the -e SYNC=true key when starting the container. Progress can be tracked in the container log.