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iohk-bors[bot] authored Mar 17, 2022
2 parents bfd7474 + 2a2030b commit a240210
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Showing 4 changed files with 546 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/core/cardano-wallet-core.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,6 +432,7 @@ test-suite unit
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237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Network/Light.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Cardano.Wallet.Network.Light
( -- * Interface
LightSyncSource (..)
, LightBlocks
, hoistLightSyncSource
, lightSync

, LightLayerLog (..)
) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.BM.Data.Severity
( Severity (..) )
import Cardano.BM.Data.Tracer
( HasPrivacyAnnotation (..), HasSeverityAnnotation (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Network
( ChainFollower (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.BlockSummary
( BlockSummary (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
( BlockHeader (..)
, ChainPoint (..)
, chainPointFromBlockHeader
, compareSlot
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTimer
( DiffTime, MonadDelay (..) )
import Control.Tracer
( Tracer, traceWith )
import Data.List
( maximumBy, sortBy )
import Data.List.NonEmpty
( NonEmpty (..) )
import Data.Quantity
( Quantity (..) )
import Data.Text.Class
( ToText (..) )
import Data.Void
( Void )
import Data.Word
( Word32 )
import GHC.Generics
( Generic )

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T

type BlockHeight = Integer

-- | Blockchain data source suitable for the implementation of 'lightSync'.
data LightSyncSource m block addr txs = LightSyncSource
{ stabilityWindow :: BlockHeight
-- ^ Stability window.
, getHeader :: block -> BlockHeader
-- ^ Get the 'BlockHeader' of a given @block@.
, getTip :: m BlockHeader
-- ^ Latest tip of the chain.
, isConsensus :: ChainPoint -> m Bool
-- ^ Check whether a 'ChainPoint' still exists in the consensus,
-- or whether the chain has rolled back already.
, getBlockHeaderAtHeight :: BlockHeight -> m (Maybe BlockHeader)
-- ^ Get the 'BlockHeader' at a given block height.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if there is no block at this height (anymore).
, getBlockHeaderAt :: ChainPoint -> m (Maybe BlockHeader)
-- ^ Get the full 'BlockHeader' belonging to a given 'ChainPoint'.
-- Return 'Nothing' if the point is not consensus anymore.
, getNextBlocks :: ChainPoint -> m (Maybe [block])
-- ^ The the next blocks starting at the given 'Chainpoint'.
-- Return 'Nothing' if hte point is not consensus anymore.
, getAddressTxs :: BlockHeader -> BlockHeader -> addr -> m txs
-- ^ Transactions for a given address and point range.

:: (forall a. m a -> n a)
-> LightSyncSource m block addr txs
-> LightSyncSource n block addr txs
hoistLightSyncSource f x = LightSyncSource
{ stabilityWindow = stabilityWindow x
, getHeader = getHeader x
, getTip = f $ getTip x
, isConsensus = f . isConsensus x
, getBlockHeaderAtHeight = f . getBlockHeaderAtHeight x
, getBlockHeaderAt = f . getBlockHeaderAt x
, getNextBlocks = f . getNextBlocks x
, getAddressTxs = \a b c -> f $ getAddressTxs x a b c

type LightBlocks m block addr txs =
Either (NonEmpty block) (BlockSummary m addr txs)

-- | Retrieve the 'ChainPoint' with the highest 'Slot'.
latest :: [ChainPoint] -> ChainPoint
latest [] = ChainPointAtGenesis
latest xs = maximumBy compareSlot xs

-- | Retrieve the 'ChainPoint' with the second-highest 'Slot'.
secondLatest :: [ChainPoint] -> ChainPoint
secondLatest [] = ChainPointAtGenesis
secondLatest [_] = ChainPointAtGenesis
secondLatest xs = head . tail $ sortBy (flip compareSlot) xs

-- | Drive a 'ChainFollower' using a 'LightSyncSource'.
-- Never returns.
:: (Monad m, MonadDelay m)
=> Tracer m LightLayerLog
-> LightSyncSource m block addr txs
-> ChainFollower m ChainPoint BlockHeader (LightBlocks m block addr txs)
-> m Void
lightSync tr light follower = do
pts <- readLocalTip follower
syncFrom $ latest pts
idle = threadDelay secondsPerSlot
syncFrom pt = do
adventure <- boldyGoWhereNextPoint light pt
syncFrom =<< case adventure of
Rollback -> do
prev <- secondLatest <$> readLocalTip follower
-- NOTE: Rolling back to a result of 'readLocalTip'
-- should always be possible,
-- but the code here does not need this assumption.
traceWith tr $ MsgLightRollBackward pt prev
rollBackward follower prev
Stable old new tip -> do
let summary = mkBlockSummary light old new
traceWith tr $
MsgLightRollForward (chainPointFromBlockHeader old) new tip
rollForward follower (Right summary) tip
pure $ chainPointFromBlockHeader new
Unstable blocks new tip -> do
case blocks of
[] -> idle
(b:bs) -> do
traceWith tr $ MsgLightRollForward pt new tip
rollForward follower (Left $ b :| bs) tip
pure $ chainPointFromBlockHeader new

data NextPointAdventure block
= Rollback
-- ^ We are forced to roll back.
| Stable BlockHeader BlockHeader BlockHeader
-- ^ We are still in the stable region.
-- @Stable old new tip@.
| Unstable [block] BlockHeader BlockHeader
-- ^ We are entering the unstable region.
-- @Unstable blocks new tip@.

:: Monad m
=> LightSyncSource m block addr txs
-> ChainPoint
-> m (NextPointAdventure block)
boldyGoWhereNextPoint light pt = do
tip <- getTip light
mold <- getBlockHeaderAt light pt
maybeRollback mold $ \old ->
if isUnstable (stabilityWindow light) old tip
then do
mblocks <- getNextBlocks light $ chainPointFromBlockHeader old
maybeRollback mblocks $ \case
[] -> pure $ Unstable [] old tip
(b:bs) -> do
let new = getHeader light $ NE.last (b :| bs)
continue <- isConsensus light $ chainPointFromBlockHeader new
pure $ if continue
then Unstable (b:bs) new tip
else Rollback
else do
mnew <- getBlockHeaderAtHeight light $
blockHeightToInteger (blockHeight tip) - stabilityWindow light
maybeRollback mnew $ \new -> pure $ Stable old new tip
maybeRollback m f = maybe (pure Rollback) f m

-- | Test whether a 'ChainPoint' is in the
-- unstable region close to the tip.
isUnstable :: BlockHeight -> BlockHeader -> BlockHeader -> Bool
isUnstable stabilityWindow_ old tip =
blockHeightToInteger (blockHeight tip) - stabilityWindow_
<= blockHeightToInteger (blockHeight old)

secondsPerSlot :: DiffTime
secondsPerSlot = 2

-- | Create a 'BlockSummary'
:: LightSyncSource m block addr txs
-> BlockHeader
-> BlockHeader
-> BlockSummary m addr txs
mkBlockSummary light old new = BlockSummary
{ from = old
, to = new
, query = getAddressTxs light old new

blockHeightToInteger :: Quantity "block" Word32 -> Integer
blockHeightToInteger (Quantity n) = fromIntegral n

data LightLayerLog
= MsgLightRollForward ChainPoint BlockHeader BlockHeader
| MsgLightRollBackward ChainPoint ChainPoint
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance ToText LightLayerLog where
toText = \case
MsgLightRollForward from_ to_ tip -> T.unwords
[ "LightLayer roll forward:"
, "from: ", toText $ show from_
, "to: ", toText $ show to_
, "tip: ", toText $ show tip
MsgLightRollBackward from_ to_ -> T.unwords
[ "LightLayer roll backward:"
, "from: ", toText $ show from_
, "to: ", toText $ show to_

instance HasPrivacyAnnotation LightLayerLog

instance HasSeverityAnnotation LightLayerLog where
getSeverityAnnotation = \case
MsgLightRollForward{} -> Debug
MsgLightRollBackward{} -> Debug

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