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Review launcher code, folder organization and API options
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- allow launcher's command to take a 'setup' action before they're ran
  This allows for the wallet backend to wait a bit before it starts. Or,
  any kind of startup action we may think of, like generating TLS certs,
  etc ...

- review folder organization and tests scripts

- add Buildable intance to 'Command' and use that to format the initial info

- use --http-bridge-port instead of --node-port
  • Loading branch information
KtorZ committed Mar 15, 2019
1 parent fa0f8fb commit fc6bde1
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Showing 17 changed files with 288 additions and 301 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions .weeder.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- package:
- name: cardano-wallet
- section:
- name: exe:cardano-wallet-launcher exe:cardano-wallet-server
- message:
- name: Module reused between components
- module: Cardano.CLI
- section:
- name: exe:cardano-wallet-launcher test:unit
- message:
- name: Module reused between components
- module: Cardano.Launcher
26 changes: 15 additions & 11 deletions app/cli/CLI.hs → app/Cardano/CLI.hs
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@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module CLI where

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2018-2019 IOHK
-- License: MIT
-- Shared types and helpers for CLI parsing

module Cardano.CLI
( getArg
, Port
, Network
, encode
, decode
) where

import GHC.TypeLits
( Symbol )
Expand All @@ -10,20 +23,12 @@ import System.Console.Docopt
import Text.Read
( readMaybe )

-- Shared types and helpers for CLI parsing

-- | Port number with a tag for describing what it is used for
newtype Port (tag :: Symbol) = Port
{ getPort :: Int

newtype Port (tag :: Symbol) = Port Int

data Network = MainnetTestnet
deriving (Show, Enum)

:: Arguments
-> Docopt
Expand All @@ -43,7 +48,6 @@ getArg args cli opt decod = do
class Encodable a where
encode :: a -> String

-- | Decoding command line arguments
class Decodable a where
decode :: String -> Either String a
Expand Down
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions app/Cardano/Launcher.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
-- |
-- Copyright: © 2018-2019 IOHK
-- License: MIT
-- This module contains a mechanism for launching external processes together,
-- and provides the functionality needed to kill them all if one goes down.
-- (would be achieved using @monitor@ and @kill@ in combination)

module Cardano.Launcher
( Command (..)
, ProcessHasExited(..)
, launch
) where

import Prelude

import Control.Concurrent.Async
( forConcurrently )
import Control.Exception
( Exception, throwIO, try )
import Data.List
( isPrefixOf )
import Fmt
( Buildable (..), blockListF', indentF )
import System.Exit
( ExitCode )
import System.Process
( proc, waitForProcess, withCreateProcess )

data Command = Command
{ cmdName :: String
, cmdArgs :: [String]
, cmdSetup :: IO ()
-- ^ An extra action to run _before_ the command

-- Format a command nicely with one argument / option per line.
-- e.g.
-- >>> fmt $ build $ Command "cardano-wallet-server" ["--port", "8080", "--network", "mainnet"] (return ())
-- cardano-wallet-server
-- --port 8080
-- --network mainnet
instance Buildable Command where
build (Command name args _) = build name
<> "\n"
<> indentF 4 (blockListF' "" build $ snd $ foldl buildOptions ("", []) args)
buildOptions :: (String, [String]) -> String -> (String, [String])
buildOptions ("", grp) arg =
(arg, grp)
buildOptions (partial, grp) arg =
if ("--" `isPrefixOf` partial) && not ("--" `isPrefixOf` arg) then
("", grp ++ [partial <> " " <> arg])
(arg, grp ++ [partial])

-- | ProcessHasExited is used by a monitoring thread to signal that the process
-- has exited.
data ProcessHasExited = ProcessHasExited String ExitCode
deriving Show

instance Exception ProcessHasExited

launch :: [Command] -> IO ProcessHasExited
launch cmds = do
res <- try $ forConcurrently cmds $ \(Command name args before) -> do
withCreateProcess (proc name args) $ \_ _ _ h -> do
code <- waitForProcess h
throwIO $ ProcessHasExited name code
case res of
Left e -> return e
Right _ -> error
"Unreachable. Supervising threads should never finish. \
\They should stay running or throw @ProcessHasExited@."
72 changes: 0 additions & 72 deletions app/launcher/Launcher.hs

This file was deleted.

27 changes: 0 additions & 27 deletions app/launcher/LauncherSpec.hs

This file was deleted.

84 changes: 43 additions & 41 deletions app/launcher/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,25 +3,30 @@

module Main where

import CLI
( Decodable (decode), Encodable (encode), Network, Port (..), getArg )
import Control.Monad
( forM_, when )
import Launcher
( Command (Command)
, ProcessHasExited (ProcessHasExited)
, kill
, launch
, monitor
import Prelude

import Cardano.CLI
( Network, Port, decode, encode, getArg )
import Cardano.Launcher
( Command (Command), ProcessHasExited (ProcessHasExited), launch )
import Control.Concurrent
( threadDelay )
import Control.Monad
( when )
import Fmt
( blockListF, fmt )
import Say
( sayErr )
import System.Console.Docopt
( Docopt, docopt, exitWithUsage, isPresent, longOption, parseArgsOrExit )
import System.Environment
( getArgs )
import System.Exit
( exitWith )

import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Command-Line Interface specification. See
cli :: Docopt
cli = [docopt|
Expand All @@ -34,53 +39,50 @@, and run
cargo install --path .
in the directory.

cardano-wallet-launcher [options]
cardano-wallet-launcher --help

--wallet-server-port <PORT> port used for serving the wallet API [default: 8090]
--node-port <PORT> port used for node-wallet communication [default: 8080]
--network <NETWORK> mainnet or testnet [default: mainnet]
--wallet-server-port <PORT> port used for serving the wallet API [default: 8090]
--http-bridge-port <PORT> port used for communicating with the http-bridge [default: 8080]

main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- parseArgsOrExit cli =<< getArgs
when (args `isPresent` (longOption "help")) $ exitWithUsage cli
let getArg' = getArg args cli

nodePort <- getArg' (longOption "node-port") decode
walletPort <- getArg' (longOption "wallet-server-port") decode
network <- getArg' (longOption "network") decode

putStrLn $
"Starting wallet on port " ++ (encode walletPort) ++
",\n connecting to node on port " ++ (encode nodePort)

running <- launch
[ nodeHttpBridgeOn nodePort network
, walletOn walletPort nodePort network
, Command "./app/launcher/mock/" []

(ProcessHasExited name code) <- monitor running
putStrLn $ name <> " exited with code " <> show code 
forM_ running kill
bridgePort <- getArg args cli (longOption "http-bridge-port") decode
walletPort <- getArg args cli (longOption "wallet-server-port") decode
network <- getArg args cli (longOption "network") decode

sayErr "Starting..."
let commands =
[ nodeHttpBridgeOn bridgePort
, walletOn walletPort bridgePort network
sayErr $ fmt $ blockListF commands
(ProcessHasExited name code) <- launch commands
sayErr $ T.pack name <> " exited with code " <> T.pack (show code) 
exitWith code

nodeHttpBridgeOn :: Port "Node" -> Network -> Command
nodeHttpBridgeOn port _network = Command
nodeHttpBridgeOn :: Port "Node" -> Command
nodeHttpBridgeOn port = Command
["start", "--port", encode port]

[ "start"
, "--port", encode port
(return ())

walletOn :: Port "Wallet" -> Port "Node" -> Network -> Command
walletOn wp np net = Command
["--wallet-server-port", encode wp,
"--node-port", encode np,
"--network", encode net]
[ "--wallet-server-port", encode wp
, "--http-bridge-port", encode np
, "--network", encode net
(threadDelay oneSecond)
oneSecond = 1000000
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions app/launcher/mock/

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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions app/launcher/mock/

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions app/launcher/mock/

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions app/launcher/mock/

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions app/launcher/mock/

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions app/launcher/mock/

This file was deleted.


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