##Groovy Solutions to Cracking the Coding Interview 6ᵗʰ Edition
To run the build (with tests for each exercise), execute gradlew build
Feel free to browse the solutions and tests for the following exercises:
- 01_IsUnique + tests
- 02_IsPermutation + tests
- 03_URLify + tests
- 04_PalindromePermutation + tests
- 05_EditDistance + tests
- 06_RunLengthEncoding + tests
- 07_MatrixRotation + tests
- 08_ZeroMatrix + tests
- 09_StringRotation + tests
- 01_FindDuplicates + tests
- 02_KthToLast + tests
- 03_DeleteNode + tests
- 04_Partition + tests
- 05_SumLists + tests
- 06_Palindrome + tests
- 07_Intersection + tests
- 08_Loop + tests
- 01_MultiStack + tests
- 02_MinStack + tests
- 03_ChainedStacks + tests
- 04_QueueViaStacks + tests
- 05_SortableStack + tests
- 06_LinkedQueues + tests
- 01_RouteFind + tests
- 02_MinimalTree + tests
- 03_DepthLists + tests
- 04_CheckBalanced + tests
- 05_CheckBst + tests
- 06_Successor + tests
- 07_BuildOrder + tests
- 08_FirstCommonAncestor + tests
- 09_BstSequence + tests
- 10_CheckSubtree + tests
- 11_RandomTreeNode + tests
- 12_PathsWithSum + tests