Some binaries built for different platforms.
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- asc:
Tier 1: Crates must build on these platforms
- x86_64-apple-darwin
- aarch64-apple-darwin
- x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
- aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
- aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
Tier 2: Crates optionally build for these platforms, but if one fails the entire build fails
- x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
- aarch64-pc-windows-msvc
- riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu
- s390x-unknown-linux-gnu
- powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu
- armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
- armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf
Tier 3: Crates optionally build for these platforms, but the build will still publish if any fail
- x86_64-unknown-freebsd
- x86_64-unknown-netbsd
- powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
- bacon
- bandwhich
- bat
- bindgen-cli
- blob-dl
- bob-nvim
- cargo
- cargo-asm
- cargo-audit
- cargo-auditable
- cargo-benchcmp
- cargo-binstall
- cargo-bitbake
- cargo-bloat
- cargo-bom
- cargo-build-deps
- cargo-cache
- cargo-careful
- cargo-chef
- cargo-clone
- cargo-component
- cargo-deadlinks
- cargo-deb
- cargo-deny
- cargo-depgraph
- cargo-diet
- cargo-edit
- cargo-expand
- cargo-generate
- cargo-get
- cargo-hack
- cargo-info
- cargo-intraconv
- cargo-libyear
- cargo-license
- cargo-liner
- cargo-llvm-lines
- cargo-local-registry
- cargo-make
- cargo-modules
- cargo-msrv
- cargo-mpirun
- cargo-multivers
- cargo-ndk
- cargo-nextest
- cargo-no-dev-deps
- cargo-outdated
- cargo-prebuilt
- cargo-public-api
- cargo-quickinstall
- cargo-readme
- cargo-release
- cargo-semver-checks
- cargo-show-asm
- cargo-smart-release
- cargo-sort
- cargo-supply-chain
- cargo-udeps
- cargo-update
- cargo-updater
- cargo-wasi
- cargo-watch
- cargo-wizard
- cargo-workspaces
- cargo-xwin
- cargo-zigbuild
- cargo-zng
- cicada
- cocogitto
- coreutils
- create-tauri-app
- cross
- deepl-api
- difftastic
- discord-rpc-helper
- du-dust
- dufs
- erdtree
- evcxr_jupyter
- exa
- eza
- felix
- flamegraph
- gitoxide
- gitui
- grcov
- hexyl
- httm
- hyperfine
- inlyne
- irust
- jql
- just
- jxl-oxide-cli
- lsd
- matrix-commander
- md-tui
- mise
- nu
- oha
- oxipng
- railwayapp
- ripgrep
- rsign2
- rtx-cli
- rust-script
- rustic-rs
- rustypaste-cli
- rustypaste
- sccache
- spacedisplay
- sqlx-cli
- tauri-cli
- trunk
- typos-cli
- volo-cli
- wasm-pack
- wasmer-cli
- wasmtime-cli
- watchexec-cli
- webbundle-cli
- websocat
- whiz
- wiki-tui
- wit-bindgen-cli
- wthrr
- xsv
- yazi-fm
- zellij
- zet
- zoxide
- zp