Kmp project to handle biometric authentication in all platforms
Project is written using kotlin-multi-platform sharing code and ui thanks to compose by jetbrains. to get started with kmp
click here.
The aim of this project is to show how you can handle different biometric authentication using expect class and actual class thanks to kotlin multi platform
Composables previews are into androidApp module into the package previews.
Biometric authentication is handled in:
- android: androidx.biometric;
- ios: platform.LocalAuthentication;
- macOS: dylib written in Objective-c and passed to jvmArgs;
expect class BiometricAuthenticator private constructor() {
constructor(activity: Any?)
fun doAuth(
title: String,
description: String,
denyBtnText: String,
actionDone: (Boolean) -> Unit
* Performs a biometric scan availability check
* @return true if it is possible to use a biometry, false - if it is not available
fun isBiometricAvailable(): Boolean
actual class BiometricAuthenticator private actual constructor() {
private var applicationContext: FragmentActivity? = null
actual constructor(activity: Any?) : this() {
applicationContext = activity as? FragmentActivity
actual fun doAuth(
title: String,
description: String,
denyBtnText: String,
actionDone: (Boolean) -> Unit
) {
applicationContext?.let {
Biometric.initialize(it, onFail = {
}, onSuccess = {
}).authenticateWithBiometrics(title, description, denyBtnText)
actual fun isBiometricAvailable(): Boolean {
if (applicationContext == null) return false
return Biometric.canAuthenticate(applicationContext!!)
actual class BiometricAuthenticator private actual constructor() {
actual constructor(activity: Any?) : this()
@OptIn(ExperimentalForeignApi::class, BetaInteropApi::class)
actual fun doAuth(
title: String,
description: String,
denyBtnText: String,
actionDone: (Boolean) -> Unit
) {
val laContext = LAContext()
laContext.setLocalizedFallbackTitle("Prova fallback")
val (canEvaluate: Boolean?, error: NSError?) = memScoped {
val p = alloc<ObjCObjectVar<NSError?>>()
val canEvaluate: Boolean? = runCatching {
laContext.canEvaluatePolicy(LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication, error = p.ptr)
canEvaluate to p.value
if (error != null) throw error.toException()
if (canEvaluate == null) {
return laContext.evaluatePolicy(
policy = LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication,
localizedReason = title,
reply = mainContinuation { result: Boolean, error: NSError? ->
actual fun isBiometricAvailable(): Boolean {
val laContext = LAContext()
return laContext.canEvaluatePolicy(
error = null
actual class BiometricAuthenticator private actual constructor() : Library {
actual constructor(activity: Any?) : this()
private val native by lazy {
actual fun doAuth(
title: String,
description: String,
denyBtnText: String,
actionDone: (Boolean) -> Unit
) {
native.touchidAuthenticate(title, object : JTouchID.AuthCallback {
override fun callback(result: Int, laError: Int) {
actionDone.invoke(result == 1)
internal interface JTouchID : Library {
interface AuthCallback : Callback {
fun callback(result: Int, laError: Int)
fun touchidSupported(): Int
fun touchidAuthenticate(message: String?, callback: AuthCallback?)
actual fun isBiometricAvailable(): Boolean {
return native.touchidSupported() == 1
val authenticator = BiometricAuthenticator(context)
val isAuthenticatorAvailable = authenticator.isBiometricAvailable()
title = "this is the title",
description = "this is the description",
denyBtnText = "no, i dont' want to"
) {it:Boolean->