OpenPGP.js is a JavaScript implementation of the OpenPGP protocol. This is defined in RFC 4880.
Table of Contents
- OpenPGP.js
OpenPGP.js v3.x is written in ES7 but is transpiled to ES5 using Babel to run in most environments. We support Node.js v8+ and browsers that implement window.crypto.getRandomValues.
The API uses the Async/Await syntax introduced in ES7 to return Promise objects. Async functions are available in most modern browsers. If you need to support older browsers, fear not! We use core-js to polyfill new features so that no action is required on your part!
For the OpenPGP HTTP Key Server (HKP) client the new fetch API is used. The module is polyfilled for browsers and is included as a dependency for Node.js runtimes.
Version 3.0.0 of the library introduces support for public-key cryptography using elliptic curves. We use native implementations on browsers and Node.js when available or Elliptic otherwise. Elliptic curve cryptography provides stronger security per bits of key, which allows for much faster operations. Currently the following curves are supported (* = when available):
Curve Encryption Signature Elliptic NodeCrypto WebCrypto p256 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes* Yes* p384 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes* Yes* p521 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes* Yes* secp256k1 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes* No brainpoolP256r1 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes* No brainpoolP384r1 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes* No brainpoolP512r1 ECDH ECDSA Yes Yes* No curve25519 ECDH N/A Yes No No ed25519 N/A EdDSA Yes No No -
Version 2.x of the library has been built from the ground up with Uint8Arrays. This allows for much better performance and memory usage than strings.
If the user's browser supports native WebCrypto via the
API, this will be used. Under Node.js the native crypto module is used. This can be deactivated by settingopenpgp.config.use_native = false
. -
The library implements the IETF proposal for authenticated encryption using native AES-EAX, OCB, or GCM. This makes symmetric encryption up to 30x faster on supported platforms. Since the specification has not been finalized and other OpenPGP implementations haven't adopted it yet, the feature is currently behind a flag. Note: activating this setting can break compatibility with other OpenPGP implementations, and also with future versions of OpenPGP.js. Don't use it with messages you want to store on disk or in a database. You can enable it by setting
openpgp.config.aead_protect = true
.You can change the AEAD mode by setting one of the following options:
openpgp.config.aead_mode = openpgp.enums.aead.eax // Default, native openpgp.config.aead_mode = openpgp.enums.aead.ocb // Non-native openpgp.config.aead_mode = openpgp.enums.aead.experimental_gcm // **Non-standard**, fastest
We previously also implemented an earlier version of the draft (using GCM), which you could enable by setting
openpgp.config.aead_protect = true
. If you need to stay compatible with that version, you need to setopenpgp.config.aead_protect_version = 0
. -
For environments that don't provide native crypto, the library falls back to asm.js implementations of AES, SHA-1, and SHA-256. We use Rusha and asmCrypto Lite (a minimal subset of asmCrypto.js built specifically for OpenPGP.js).
npm install --save openpgp
bower install --save openpgp
Or just fetch a minified build under dist.
Here are some examples of how to use the v2.x+ API. For more elaborate examples and working code, please check out the public API unit tests. If you're upgrading from v1.x it might help to check out the documentation.
var openpgp = require('openpgp'); // use as CommonJS, AMD, ES6 module or via window.openpgp
openpgp.initWorker({ path:'openpgp.worker.js' }) // set the relative web worker path
var options, encrypted;
options = {
data: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x01, 0x01]), // input as Uint8Array (or String)
passwords: ['secret stuff'], // multiple passwords possible
armor: false // don't ASCII armor (for Uint8Array output)
openpgp.encrypt(options).then(function(ciphertext) {
encrypted = ciphertext.message.packets.write(); // get raw encrypted packets as Uint8Array
options = {
message:, // parse encrypted bytes
passwords: ['secret stuff'], // decrypt with password
format: 'binary' // output as Uint8Array
openpgp.decrypt(options).then(function(plaintext) {
return // Uint8Array([0x01, 0x01, 0x01])
var options, encrypted;
var privkey = '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK ... END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'; //encrypted private key
var passphrase = 'secret passphrase'; //what the privKey is encrypted with
var privKeyObj = openpgp.key.readArmored(privkey).keys[0];
await privKeyObj.decrypt(passphrase);
options = {
data: 'Hello, World!', // input as String (or Uint8Array)
publicKeys: openpgp.key.readArmored(pubkey).keys, // for encryption
privateKeys: [privKeyObj] // for signing (optional)
openpgp.encrypt(options).then(function(ciphertext) {
encrypted =; // '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE ... END PGP MESSAGE-----'
options = {
message: openpgp.message.readArmored(encrypted), // parse armored message
publicKeys: openpgp.key.readArmored(pubkey).keys, // for verification (optional)
privateKeys: [privKeyObj] // for decryption
openpgp.decrypt(options).then(function(plaintext) {
return; // 'Hello, World!'
By default, encrypt
will not use any compression. It's possible to override that behavior in two ways:
Either set the compression
parameter in the options object when calling encrypt
var options, encrypted;
options = {
data: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), // input as Uint8Array (or String)
passwords: ['secret stuff'], // multiple passwords possible
compression: // compress the data with zip
ciphertext = await openpgp.encrypt(options); // use ciphertext
Or, override the config to enable compression:
openpgp.config.compression =
Where the value can be any of:
RSA keys:
var options = {
userIds: [{ name:'Jon Smith', email:'' }], // multiple user IDs
numBits: 4096, // RSA key size
passphrase: 'super long and hard to guess secret' // protects the private key
ECC keys:
Possible values for curve are: curve25519
, ed25519
, p256
, p384
, p521
, secp256k1
, brainpoolP384r1
, or brainpoolP512r1
Note that options both curve25519
and ed25519
generate a primary key for signing using Ed25519
and a subkey for encryption using Curve25519.
var options = {
userIds: [{ name:'Jon Smith', email:'' }], // multiple user IDs
curve: "ed25519", // ECC curve name
passphrase: 'super long and hard to guess secret' // protects the private key
openpgp.generateKey(options).then(function(key) {
var privkey = key.privateKeyArmored; // '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK ... '
var pubkey = key.publicKeyArmored; // '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK ... '
var hkp = new openpgp.HKP('');
var options = {
query: ''
hkp.lookup(options).then(function(key) {
var pubkey = openpgp.key.readArmored(key);
var hkp = new openpgp.HKP('');
hkp.upload(pubkey).then(function() { ... });
var options, cleartext, validity;
var privkey = '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK ... END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'; //encrypted private key
var passphrase = 'secret passphrase'; //what the privKey is encrypted with
var privKeyObj = openpgp.key.readArmored(privkey).keys[0];
await privKeyObj.decrypt(passphrase);
options = {
data: 'Hello, World!', // input as String (or Uint8Array)
privateKeys: [privKeyObj] // for signing
openpgp.sign(options).then(function(signed) {
cleartext =; // '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE ... END PGP SIGNATURE-----'
options = {
message: openpgp.cleartext.readArmored(cleartext), // parse armored message
publicKeys: openpgp.key.readArmored(pubkey).keys // for verification
openpgp.verify(options).then(function(verified) {
validity = verified.signatures[0].valid; // true
if (validity) {
console.log('signed by key id ' + verified.signatures[0].keyid.toHex());
var options, detachedSig, validity;
var privkey = '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK ... END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'; //encrypted private key
var passphrase = 'secret passphrase'; //what the privKey is encrypted with
var privKeyObj = openpgp.key.readArmored(privkey).keys[0];
await privKeyObj.decrypt(passphrase);
options = {
data: 'Hello, World!', // input as String (or Uint8Array)
privateKeys: [privKeyObj], // for signing
detached: true
openpgp.sign(options).then(function(signed) {
detachedSig = signed.signature;
options = {
message: openpgp.message.fromText('Hello, World!'), // input as Message object
signature: openpgp.signature.readArmored(detachedSig), // parse detached signature
publicKeys: openpgp.key.readArmored(pubkey).keys // for verification
openpgp.verify(options).then(function(verified) {
validity = verified.signatures[0].valid; // true
if (validity) {
console.log('signed by key id ' + verified.signatures[0].keyid.toHex());
A jsdoc build of our code comments is available at doc/index.html. Public calls should generally be made through the OpenPGP object doc/openpgp.html.
To date the OpenPGP.js code base has undergone two complete security audits from Cure53. The first audit's report has been published here.
It should be noted that js crypto apps deployed via regular web hosting (a.k.a. host-based security) provide users with less security than installable apps with auditable static versions. Installable apps can be deployed as a Firefox or Chrome packaged app. These apps are basically signed zip files and their runtimes typically enforce a strict Content Security Policy (CSP) to protect users against XSS. This blogpost explains the trust model of the web quite well.
It is also recommended to set a strong passphrase that protects the user's private key on disk.
To create your own build of the library, just run the following command after cloning the git repo. This will download all dependencies, run the tests and create a minified bundle under dist/openpgp.min.js
to use in your project:
npm install && npm test
For debugging browser errors, you can open test/unittests.html
in a browser or, after running the following command, open http://localhost:3000/test/unittests.html
grunt browsertest
You want to help, great! Go ahead and fork our repo, make your changes and send us a pull request.
GNU Lesser General Public License (3.0 or any later version). Please take a look at the LICENSE file for more information.
Below is a collection of resources, many of these were projects that were in someway a precursor to the current OpenPGP.js project. If you'd like to add your link here, please do so in a pull request or email to the list.