Evy is a Dart 2 Web Framework, with an ExpressJS like API.
For start using Evy in your project you need to clone this repo and add it to dependencies section in your pubspec.yaml file:
# pubspec.yaml
name: example_app
description: My app
path: /path/to/evy
import 'package:evy/evy.dart';
void main() {
var app = Evy();
/// This middleware will match all routes.
app.use(handler: logRequest);
/// This middleware will be called only for '/greet/:name' routes.
app.use(path: '/greet/:name', handler: checkName);
/// This middleware will be called only for '/greet/:name' routes.
/// It will be executed after checkName middleware.
app.use(path: '/greet/:name', handler: changeName);
/// Or just pass the middleware callbacks as a list.
/// app.use(path: '/greet/:name', callback: [checkName, changeName]);
///Routes can have a callback for process the request.
app.get(path: '/greet/:name', handler: sayHello);
///Path can be a RegExp, this route will match /evy, /evyhi, /whateverevy... .
app.get(path: RegExp('/.*evy'), handler: sayHello);
///Path can be a List of Strings, this will match /users, /user and /client.
app.get(path: ['/users', '/user', '/client'], handler: sayHello);
port: 3000,
callback: (error) {
if (error != null) {
} else {
print('Server listening on port 3000');
void changeName(Request req, Response res, next) {
if (req.params['name'] == 'Alberto') {
req.params['name'] = 'Carlos';
void checkName(Request req, Response res, next) {
if (req.params['name'] != 'Alberto') {
res.send('Only Alberto is allowed to use this action');
} else {
void logRequest(Request req, Response res, next) {
/// Do your logging stuff and then call next()
print('${req.ip} - - [${DateTime.now()}] "${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}"');
void sayHello(Request req, Response res, next) {
if (req.params['name'] != null) {
res.send('Hello ${req.params['name']}');
} else {
- Implement basic HTTP methods (
POST, PUT, etc). - Create Request and Response wrappers.
- Per Route Middlewares.
- Global Middlewares.
- Sub-apps
app.use(path: '/billing', app: billingApp)
. -
Serve static files(Use a package instead). -
Content body parsing(Use a package instead). - Routes group.
- Publish package to Dart Packages.
- Testing.
- Logo design.