Search with gitleaks and trufflehog in the responses of the given URLs or in all the repos of an organization and its members.
Remember that you need to install gitleaks, trufflehog and Rex
pip3 install -r requirements
# Install gitleaks from
# Install trufflehog from
# Install Rex from
python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN] [--github-orgs GITHUB_ORGS] [--github-orgs-file GITHUB_ORGS_FILE]
[--github-users GITHUB_USERS] [--github-users-file GITHUB_USERS_FILE] [--github-repos GITHUB_REPOS]
[--github-repos-file GITHUB_REPOS_FILE] [--urls-file URLS_FILE] [--stdin-urls STDIN_URLS]
[--not-exts NOT_EXTS] [--json-file JSON_FILE] [--threads THREADS] [--debug] [--generic-leak-in-web]
[--from-trufflehog-only-verified] [--only-verified] [--avoid-sources AVOID_SOURCES]
[--max-secret-length MAX_SECRET_LENGTH] [--add-org-repos-forks] [--add-user-repos-forks]
[--max-urls MAX_URLS] [--not-gitleaks] [--not-trufflehog] [--not-rex]
[--rex-regex-path REX_REGEX_PATH] [--tools-timeout TOOLS_TIMEOUT] [--rex-all-regexes]
Search leaks in a github org or in the responses of urls
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN
Token to access github api (doesn't require any permission)
--github-orgs GITHUB_ORGS
Github orgs names (comma separated). Users will be searched also in the orgs.
--github-orgs-file GITHUB_ORGS_FILE
Github orgs names from file
--github-users GITHUB_USERS
Github user names (comma separated)
--github-users-file GITHUB_USERS_FILE
Github users names from file
--github-repos GITHUB_REPOS
Github repos (comma separated)
--github-repos-file GITHUB_REPOS_FILE
Github repos from file.
--urls-file URLS_FILE
Search leaks in responses from web urls. Path to file containing URLs to search for leaks.
--stdin-urls STDIN_URLS
Get URLs from stdin
--not-exts NOT_EXTS Do not search for leaks in urls with these extensions (comma separated)
--json-file JSON_FILE
Store json results in the indicated file
--threads THREADS Number of threads to use
--debug Debug
Accept generic leaks in web (disabled by defult)
From trufflehog get only verified leaks
--only-verified Get only verified leaks (only use trufflehog)
--avoid-sources AVOID_SOURCES
Lower case comma separated list of sources from trufflehog and gitleaks to avoid
--max-secret-length MAX_SECRET_LENGTH
Max length of valid secrets
Check an org repo even if it's a fork
Check an user repo even if it's a fork
--max-urls MAX_URLS Maximun number of URLs to check
--not-gitleaks Don't use gitleaks
--not-trufflehog Don't use trufflehog
--not-rex Don't use Rex
--rex-regex-path REX_REGEX_PATH
Path to regex file for Rex (auto download if nothign specified)
--tools-timeout TOOLS_TIMEOUT
Timeout in seconds whe launching the tools
--rex-all-regexes Allow Rex to use all the regexes (more noise, but more potential findings)
For the gihub part of this tool you need to generate a github token from your account (however this token doesn't need ANY PERMISSIONS unless you need to grant access to private repos).
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