This repository contains the source code of Memetic Algorithm with Explicit Diversity Management (MA-EDM). MA-EDM is a population-based optimizer that has been used to generate several new best-known solutions (BKSs) of the Linear Ordering Problem (LOP).
The information about the BKSs are in the "Supplementary Material.pdf" file and the new BKSs are in
The description is in arxiv in the document "A Diversity-Aware Memetic Algorithm for the Linear OrderingProblem: Improving Best-Known Solutions for Standard Benchmarks" by Lázaro Lugo, Carlos Segura and Gara Miranda and it has been submitted to the Memetic Computing Journal. The raw data generated for the analyses presented in this paper is available in the file RawData directory.
- Compile with make
- Execute with the following parameters:
- Number of individuals in the population
- Crossover: it can be cx or ob
- Stopping criterion in seconds
- Seed
- Instance file
- Output file
Example: ./main 200 cx 14400 99 N-stabu3_150 output.txt
The instances are available at: and