Ansible role ansible-wal-g
installs wal-g binary from github releases.
WAL-G is an archival restoration tool for Postgres (beta for MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis)
WAL-G is the successor of WAL-E with a number of key differences. WAL-G uses LZ4, LZMA, or Brotli compression,
multiple processors, and non-exclusive base backups for Postgres.\
- cron | systemd-cron
# wal-g version to fetch
walg_version: 0.2.15
# wal-g releases repository url
walg_url: "{{ walg_version }}/wal-g.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
# Name of binary file in tarball or downloaded from walg_url archive
walg_archive_binary: "wal-g-pg-{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version | lower }}-amd64"
# wal-g binary place
walg_binary: /usr/local/bin/wal-g
# Ability to install wal-g from a local .tar.gz file. Should be path to file.
walg_tarball: false
# user for cronjob
walg_user: postgres
# wal-g setting place
walg_env: /etc/default/wal-g
# wal-g scripts place
walg_script_path: /usr/local/scripts
# S3 bucket required settings
walg_s3_id: "access"
walg_s3_secret: "secret"
walg_s3_bucket: backup
walg_s3_prefix: db
# S3 bucket optional settings
walg_s3_use_path_style: false | true
walg_s3_region: us-west-1
walg_s3_endpoint: "https://s3.dualstack.{{ walg_s3_region }}"
# Disk usage
walg_backup_upload_disk: 2
# Network usage
walg_backup_upload: 10
walg_backup_download: 10
# How many delta backups should stay between full backups
walg_backup_delta_steps: 7
# How many full backups should stay after rotation
walg_backups_retain: 2
# Create cron jobs
walg_cron_enabled: true
# If host is set, sends extra time metrics of commands to prometheus pushgateway
walg_pushgateway_host: ""
walg_pushgateway_port: 9091
All variables from this groups will be combined with same _config
groups in vars/main.yml
# Override WAL-G settings
## Storages
walg_aws_override: []
walg_azure_override: []
walg_gcs_override: []
walg_swift_override: []
walg_filesystem_override: []
## Databases
walg_mongodb_override: []
walg_mysql_override: []
walg_postgresql_override: []
## Commons
walg_common_override: []
- hosts: servers
- role: ansible-wal-g
walg_version: 0.2.15
archive_command = '/usr/local/scripts/ %p &> /dev/null'
restore_command = '/usr/local/scripts/ "%f" "%p"'
Create full or delta backups with: /usr/local/scripts/
Rotate WAL-archives and backups with: /usr/local/scripts/