Offers an unified API for multiple routers based on countries distribution and other parameters like means of transport. Build in Ruby with a Grape REST swagger API.
The API is defined in Swagger format at http://localhost:8082/0.1/swagger_doc and can be tested with Swagger-UI
Retrieve the available modes (eg routers) for APIs by GET request.
Returns JSON:
"route": [
"mode": "mode1",
"name": "translation1",
"area": [
"Area1", "Area2"
"matrix": [],
"isoline": []
Return the route between list of points using GET request.
For instance, route between Bordeaux, Mérignac and Talence
Return many routes between list of points using GET request.
For instance, routes between Bordeaux, Mérignac and Mérignac, Talence
Copy and adjust environments files.
cp ./config/environments/production.rb ./docker/
cp ./config/access.rb ./docker/
Create a .env
from .env.template
, and adapt if required.
Enable components in COMPOSE_FILE
var. Only required for non external engines.
Build docker images
docker compose build
Launch containers
docker compose up -d
Install package containing ogr2ogr
bin as system package (GDAL).
In router-api
as root directory:
bundle install
bundler exec puma -v -p 8082 --pidfile 'tmp/'
And in production mode:
APP_ENV=production bundle exec puma -v -p 8082 --pidfile 'tmp/'
Available production extra environment variables are:
cd docker/otp
# OR
./ bordeaux
The script will build bordeaux
graph from ./otp/data/graphs
in /srv/docker
Landuses give better estimatid driving speed, but optional.
Download GeoPackage from Copernicus into the landuses
directory. Double unzip.
Convert the data
ogr2ogr -sql "SELECT * FROM (SELECT CASE CODE_18 WHEN 111 THEN 1 WHEN 112 THEN 2 WHEN 121 THEN 2 WHEN 123 THEN 2 WHEN 124 THEN 2 WHEN 511 THEN 5 WHEN 512 THEN 5 END AS code, Shape FROM U2018_CLC2018_V2020_20u1) AS t WHERE code is NOT NULL" -t_srs EPSG:4326 urban.shp U2018_CLC2018_V2020_20u1.gpkg
Download an .osm.pbf file. Eg. with Morocco
osmium \
tags-filter \
--overwrite -o morocco-landuse.osm.pbf \
morocco-latest.osm.pbf \
wr/landuse=residential,retail,railway,industrial,garages,construction,commercial,cemetery,village_green,religious,education \
# Use meter unit, eg UTM zone
ogr2ogr \
-t_srs EPSG:32629 \
morocco-landuse.gpkg \
morocco-landuse.osm.pbf \
# Over simply approach, but it works
ogr2ogr \
morocco-landuse-union.gpkg \
-dialect spatialite -sql 'SELECT ST_Union(ST_Buffer(geom, CASE WHEN landuse IS NOT NULL THEN 100 ELSE 50 END, 1)) AS geom FROM multipolygons' \
-explodecollections \
ogr2ogr \
-t_srs EPSG:4326 \
morocco-urban.shp \
-dialect spatialite -sql 'SELECT 2 AS code, ST_Simplify(geom, 20) AS geom FROM "SELECT" WHERE ST_Area(ST_Simplify(geom, 20)) > 30000' \
-explodecollections \
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml up -d postgis
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml exec postgis bash -c "\\
CREATE TABLE urban (gid serial, code int4);
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','urban','geom','0','MULTIPOLYGON',2);
ALTER TABLE urban ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(MultiPolygon, 4326);
CREATE INDEX urban_idx_geom ON urban USING gist(geom);
Load a shapefile. See below how to get shapefile.
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml up -d postgis
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml exec postgis bash -c "\\
apt update && apt install -y postgis && \\
shp2pgsql -a /landuses/urban.shp urban | psql -U \${POSTGRES_USER} -w \${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \\
Alternatively, for test purpose only, add just one record into the table
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml exec postgis bash -c "\\
INSERT INTO urban (code, geom) VALUES ('1', NULL);
Add the file at docker/osrm/low_emission_zone.geojson
and docker/osrm/limited_traffic_zone.geojson
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml up -d postgis
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml up -d redis-build
docker compose run --rm osrm-car-iceland
After the build process postgis
and redis-build
could be stoped.
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml exec redis-build redis-cli SAVE
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml down postgis
docker compose -f docker-compose-tools.yml down redis-build
docker compose run --rm gh-car-iceland